Craig, Just dug into my packet of all kinds of Aero samples and compared my samples of jerky to both several samples of Vicenza and veg tanned goat. I found not much difference in thickness, but all of my jerky samples were very stiff compared to goat and Vicenza, and can see why the jerky does not drape as well as some of the others. Even my brown FQHH Teamster is more flexible than my brown jerky Mulligan. I an unsure whether or not the stiffness of the jerky HH would make a difference when used for the panels of your ANJ-4 but think that it might from looking at ANJ-4 pictures on the Aero website. Anyhow, I have enough doubt regarding jerky HH that I would likely choose between goat and Vicenza for the panels. BTW that ANJ-4 (and Irvin) would be far more suitable for Scotland than N Texas.