@Monitor, ^ That should be your rebound jacket... I'm sure it would help in forgetting the LW debacle
How about a naked HH Vanson?It seems that this season FCL is doing everybody else’s jackets. Here is their Lewis Leathers homage:
View attachment 260606
Not my pic, ( taken from another site) but from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. Joey Ramone's jacket was a Vanson.. not a Schott as I wouldve thought.
They all had multiple jackets. I believe this one was a later addition from Vanson after they became famous for their leather wearing. In any case it’s an awesome jacket. And The Ramones knew you could never go wrong with jeans and leather.
That looks like super awesome older Vanson comp weight... drool...Fine Creek is slayin' it. Nothing new, nothing unseen. Just perfected old. @ton312 , @Downunder G Man.
I see what you mean about the collar.