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Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
That’s why I’m so confused as to why these objects are even visible. If they were truly interdimensional, should they not be invisible?
One of the recent books I’ve read on this exact topic is “Encounters” by Dr D.W. Pasulka. She is a professor of religious studies at UNC who was sucked down the UFO rabbit hole when she postulated if “UFOs are a new, modern religious phenomenon.” In the process she ran into things that are very hard to explain. Be forewarned, her book strays very far away from your grandfather’s nuts-and-bolts UFOs.

As alluded to a few posts ago, I’m also interested in Stanford Professor Gary Nolan‘s hypothesis that some people may be genetically predisposed to see things (other realities) that other people can’t see. Fascinating research!


But in both cases, Nolan and Pasulka can only be described as serious academics who are seriously looking into these tabu subjects. Both of them belong to the so-called “Invisible College”, a group of scientists and scholars who are quietly studying the UFO/UAP topic.

Of course there are some carnival hucksters and snake oil salesmen out there too. I’m always asking myself who is legit/serious and who is a self-promoting BS artist.


New in Town
One of the recent books I’ve read on this exact topic is “Encounters” by Dr D.W. Pasulka. She is a professor of religious studies at UNC who was sucked down the UFO rabbit hole when she postulated if “UFOs are a new, modern religious phenomenon.” In the process she ran into things that are very hard to explain. Be forewarned, her book strays very far away from your grandfather’s nuts-and-bolts UFOs.

As alluded to a few posts ago, I’m also interested in Stanford Professor Gary Nolan‘s hypothesis that some people may be genetically predisposed to see things (other realities) that other people can’t see. Fascinating research!


But in both cases, Nolan and Pasulka can only be described as serious academics who are seriously looking into these tabu subjects. Both of them belong to the so-called “Invisible College”, a group of scientists and scholars who are quietly studying the UFO/UAP topic.

Of course there are some carnival hucksters and snake oil salesmen out there too. I’m always asking myself who is legit/serious and who is a self-promoting BS artist.
The idea of some UFOs being interdimensional or things we can peak from other realities is indeed well established. I wouldn't call it genetic predisposition exactly, but something like that anyway. Ultimately, it’s something that happens to everyone from time to time. Though most of us never realize or give it any serious thought. Including myself.

From what I have learned, It’s actually closer to what I will call a vibrational convergence; where our own consciousness is temporarily overlapped and compatible with another reality. It also very much depends how open the individual is to such things. Being open to these things makes you more compatible with these realities, and you will draw such experiences to you more often. Since everything is energy, and that energy vibrates at certain frequencies; if your own energy is more compatible with these realities or what people call "paranormal phenomena", you will be aware of them more often. Energy attracts more energy of a similar vibrational pattern, and since energy and matter are one and the same...
After all; you don’t hear physicists complain much about hauntings, because most simply don’t believe in them.

All that is to say that people who see UFOs or "paranormal phenomena" are not special, or have some kind of unique gift. They are simply in a mindset which makes them more likely to attract such things. There are likely also other, lesser, factors involved; and some are indeed what one might call a form of predisposition. But everyone is capable of experiencing or seeing these things. I guess all it takes is a different mindset.

Considering the appearance and behaviour of the object I saw, my best guess is that it was indeed an object from another reality which I was able to glimpse, rather than an alien spacecraft. Probably something quite ordinary actually, basically just their version of an airliner.

Well, I hope that was interesting anyhow. Just my POV of this whole other realities and "paranormal" thing. I'm certainly no expert or would ever claim to have some kind of special knowledge. Just my own personal believes.

Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
Well. This might be interesting.
Especially since the ufo/uap topic has been pretty quiet for about 6 months.
What has happened to David Grusch?
what has happened to the follow up congressional hearings that were going to happen?
I hear that a second attempt to ram through the Schumer amendment is being developed.
Some crash retrieval gossip has oozed out. Some of it even sounding credible… but who knows? No hard evidence until (maybe) now….


MUFON is at least a legitimate organization. Beyond that: impossible to speculate. Show us the material and the test results and tell us the story. The fact that it comes from Russia adds an interesting twist to the tale.

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