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Excessive posting? ... Interesting.....


A-List Customer
Southern tip of northern Germany
Talking about puppies:


Our Bonnie, five days old.


Practically Family
Los Angeles, CA
No, bar owners.

They threatened to poison the guy who put the fence up for us. Their customers tried to knock it down. They rammed cars into it. Harassed the Village Board, because they approved it. The list goes on and on!

Goodness all that for a fence.

I didn't realize that fences were such offensive things. lol It must be almost as bad a curse word in some places! lol

Where I live we have a brick wall on one side of the house and a fence on the other. It's not white though. It's red. :)


Practically Family
Los Angeles, CA
Well, we had to put Calie the cat down. She had a tumor in her bronchus and was having trouble breathing. She was a perfect cat. She would come when I whisled. She had previously survived abandonment and life as a ferrel cat. She was taken in by an elderly couple for a couple of years. Husband died at age 92 and wife went to California to live with grown up kids. Calie survived at the homestead by eating field mice and birds and avoiding the coyotes by jumping on the house roof. We bought the 7 acres on the Snake River and she allowed us to stay. Wonderful cat. In her next lifetime she will come back as a human.
She had a tumor in her chest, like I did about 5 years ago which I survived. Linda had to go to the Vet to put her down. Reminded her of her mother's death from a chest tumor from smoking. So we are both very emotional about this. She fulfilled her role as the perfect pet, allowing us to get in touch with some of the emotions we had about our own personal trials. I miss that cat. I have not waxed poetic yet, the grief is too near.

I'm sorry to hear about your cat. Losing a pet is hard. I still miss our dog. :(


Practically Family
Los Angeles, CA
School's been very rough lately. I've had a lot to deal with the past couple of weeks (two essays were due, a recent midterm, short answers posted online), so I haven't quite been able to arrive at a point I'd feel more comfortable about my progress. I've got a midterm for my Modernist Fiction course this Wednesday. I've read the works covered in class up to this point, but I've also been trying since last week to re-read the novels. I did pretty good with Quicksand yesterday, I'm currently finishing the rest of Dubliner's right now, and I'm going to attempt to read Manhattan Transfer again tomorrow, 300 pages. Wish me luck, everyone.

I hope everything went well. That's one thing that I don't miss about school. Papers, mid-terms, and finals! Uhhggg! So much stress (especially when you are waiting for grades over the break. Absolute torture!). Where do you go to school?

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