I thought the Eleventh Doctor said "Still not ginger" in a rather exasperated fashion?Edward said:The "at least I'm not ginger" "joke" was a bit tedious (I'm neither ginger nor offended..... it just wasn't funny), but that's the fault of the writer.
LordBest said:I thought the Eleventh Doctor said "Still not ginger" in a rather exasperated fashion?
I have to admit I hoped the rumours that Stephen Fry would be the next Doctor would be true, but I'm still willing to give Matt Smith a go. There are persistent rumours that Tennant will return for a Tenth Doctor film. I hope they are true but there were rumours Ecclestone would return for ninth doctor episodes too so I'm not getting my hopes up.
Mahagonny Bill said:I thought that he said "Still not ginger" as well, referring to "The Christmas Invasion" where Tenant bemoans the fact that he always wanted to be ginger. As a ginger, I was not offended![]()
I just ordered "The Twin Dilemma", THE WORST Doctor Who episode of all time, on DVD so you might consider me a bit of a fanatic. I will obviously watch ANYTHING Doctor Who related. You may want to take my comments with a large grain of salt. lol lol lol
Brad Bowers said:"Blink" is one of my favorites as well. Amazing writing; the Doctor is hardly in it at all, yet it's still riveting and genuinely scary. Just goes to show you don't need a lot of special effects/CGI to create a good story. Just a good property department and writer.lol
Eyemo said:Made In Wales!!lol![]()
LordBest said:I have to admit I hoped the rumours that Stephen Fry would be the next Doctor would be true, but I'm still willing to give Matt Smith a go.
There are persistent rumours that Tennant will return for a Tenth Doctor film. I hope they are true but there were rumours Ecclestone would return for ninth doctor episodes too so I'm not getting my hopes up.
My big hope for Moffat is that he will stop pressing the big-red-reset-button at the end of Dalek episodes. It would be so much better to have the threat of Daleks hanging over the Doctor instead of having them all annihilated at the end of each appearance.
LordBest said:Matt Smith is known to me (and many others) having been a fan of 'Party Animals'. You may be right, of course, he may be a bad Doctor, but we won't know until we actually see him perform for more than 30 seconds. The fact is this debate does parallel the one about Tennant, right down to people criticising Tennants age, lack of gravitas ("he's too comical") etc.
BBC Complaints:
We would like to reassure viewers that Doctor Who doesn't have an anti ginger agenda whatsoever. This was a reprise of the line in the Christmas Invasion episode in 2005, when David Tennant discovers that he's not ginger, and here he is, missing out again - disappointed he's still not ginger.
In addition, the Doctor's previous companion Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) and his new one Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) are both redheads.
Mahagonny Bill said:Ok, I'm really not beating a dead horse, I just thought this was funny enough to share.
From The Doctor Who News Page:
The new Doctor might have just uttered a few words so far, but his remark about still not being ginger has proved controversial with many grasping the wrong end of the stick. Perhaps egged on by comments in several newspapers, the BBC has received 143 complaints about the line, forcing the corporation to put out a statement clarifying that the Doctor was disappointed not to be ginger.
cooncatbob said:Colin Baker and his clown suit.
I actually want to see Capt. Jack return to Earth and deal with a new Torchwood team that Gwen and Rhys have built in his absence. I personally wouldn't mind seeing Martha and Mickey in a new Torchwwod, but you are welcome to your opinion (no matter how wrong it isEdward said:They'll have to work damn hard to make a fourth season of Torchwood work, IMO - the third was so good, and such a wonderfully bleak ending, that it'd be very easy to jump the shark with another series. Best wya would be for Jack to build an entire new team, which I think it was point towards. By all that is good and Holy, though, PLEASE don't let it feature either Martha "two facial expressions" Jones, or that ghastly one-dimensional Mickey character.... how I loathed them both!
Mahagonny Bill said:I actually want to see Capt. Jack return to Earth and deal with a new Torchwood team that Gwen and Rhys have built in his absence. I personally wouldn't mind seeing Martha and Mickey in a new Torchwwod, but you are welcome to your opinion (no matter how wrong it is).
Warden said:Doctor Who props and costumes up for auction
A selection of props and costumes from BBC One's Doctor Who are to go under the hammer in London later this month.