Living in Florida I have more straws and milans than fur felt hats. More hats than hat boxes.
My question is about storing straws and milans. What would be the best way to store the ones without boxes?
Being they would be sitting up for a couple of months...should they be set on the brim or crown? with brim up or down all the way around the hat?
I am thinking about getting some thick, but, flexible poster board and cutting sections 6" or 6 1/2" wide and about 23" long to make a circle such as hat box inserts. And, put the hat in the mock insert and set them on a shelf out of the way?
any input about storing straws?
thanks guys.
First, don't set them on the crown. That goes for any hat, be it straw or felt. Over time, the crown would begin to show an impression due to the weight of the hat.
Store them on the brim, with the brim up all the way around, just like felt hats. Else use box inserts, like you described; either way is just fine.
By the way - with Milans, the method of storing them on the brim is especially useful, as Milans are prone to drooping brims as they age.