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10,000 posts



Nashoba said:
he must be just tickled pink with all this attention we're showering on him. Forget Where's Waldo......Where's Marc?????

Well, we know WHERE he is, no? He's here, posting, deleting, then posting some more. I suppose the question is, why is he dragging out the 10,000 post thing?


Head Bartender
Staff member
Small Town Ohio, USA
Marc is not posting, deleting, posting.
Marc is here, reading us, participating when he feels very strongly or has something great to add, as usual.
Marc is in touch with friends here.
Marc reached his near-10,000 mark very, very quickly through lots of short commentary posts each day.
Marc is no longer doing that. Most members join, post lightly, and increase their active posting as time passes. Marc did the opposite, and that's fine.
Marc has given us an absolutely invaluable vault of free information and advice here. He is a born teacher and mentor, and, lucky us, generous.
Marc has covered much of the turf here. New members are treading the same turf, asking questions, seeking answers. Chances are, any question any new member has about anything to do with the pursuit of gentlemanly dress will be answered by Marc Chevalier, Tomasso, Baron Kurtz and many others - in a previous post. Use the search (or google us). Never be afraid to ask, however. The generosity of our members is legendary.
We have other members here who are equally brilliant and willing to share.

I think Marc is enjoying a well-earned rest. Let's let him have that rest.


Portland, Ore
scotrace said:
Marc is not posting, deleting, posting.
Marc is here, reading us, participating when he feels very strongly or has something great to add, as usual.
Marc is in touch with friends here.
Marc reached his near-10,000 mark very, very quickly through lots of short commentary posts each day.
Marc is no longer doing that. Most members join, post lightly, and increase their active posting as time passes. Marc did the opposite, and that's fine.
Marc has given us an absolutely invaluable vault of free information and advice here. He is a born teacher and mentor, and, lucky us, generous.
Marc has covered much of the turf here. New members are treading the same turf, asking questions, seeking answers. Chances are, any question any new member has about anything to do with the pursuit of gentlemanly dress will be answered by Marc Chevalier, Tomasso, Baron Kurtz and many others - in a previous post. Use the search (or google us). Never be afraid to ask, however. The generosity of our members is legendary.
We have other members here who are equally brilliant and willing to share.

I think Marc is enjoying a well-earned rest. Let's let him have that rest.

Well said. :eusa_clap


One of the Regulars
Marc Chevalier said:

I'm awfully close to it.

True, Jamespowers has already exceeded 10,000, but he's a bartender. It's his job to hang out around here.

When I make my 10,000th post, I going to do something special for everyone here.

Nothing bad, mind out. You'll like it. :)

Of course it was Marc Chevalier who started this thread. He starts many good fun threads such as 'the single etc... room'. I enjoy reading his latest posts. Informative and entertaining.


scotrace said:
Marc is not posting, deleting, posting.
Sure he is. He posted yesterday, and on the 10th...when weeks ago he was at 9,999. Now he's at 9,995. How else do we explain the post count going up and down, up and down, without ever reaching 10,000? The only other possibility is that a bartender is deleting some of his old posts, which I find very hard to believe. He's making it so that he can post without reaching that 10,000 mark.

scotrace said:
I think Marc is enjoying a well-earned rest. Let's let him have that rest.

I don't think anyone here means to hassle Marc. I certainly agree that he's one of the most informative and generous members of the Lounge, but people are curious about what he is going to do when he reaches the 10,000 mark, if and when that ever happens. And they are so curious precisely because Marc made a big deal about reaching 10,000 posts by starting this thread with an aura of mystery (and a promise):

"When I make my 10,000th post, I going to do something special for everyone here."​

If this thread is bothering bartenders, it can always be closed. Then I dare say enough time will pass and people will simply forget about the whole thing.


One Too Many
Central Illinois
Just my two cents...

This thread went from interesting, to funny, to boring. A joke isn't a joke without a punch line and this one is long overdue. If there is (or ever was) a point, can we just get to it already?

Where's the "yawn" emoticon? [huh]
Johnnysan said:
Where's the "yawn" emoticon? [huh]

Let's see. You can use: l-O or this one for tired: :)l
A few others:




Marc Chevalier

Gone Home
Los Feliz, Los Angeles, California
Johnnysan said:
A joke isn't a joke without a punch line ...

Folks, there's no punchline -- because this isn't a joke.

It isn't me who is reducing my post odometer these days from 9,999 to, say, 9,996. As a regular (non-bartender) Lounger, I don't have the ability to delete posts I've made more than a day or two ago. Only a bartender can do this. And no, I don't know (or care) which one is doing it.

There will be a gift, yes, but no one's forcing anyone here to hang around, waiting for it. It will come when it will come. If you had to scan as many pages of this "gift" as I do, you'd understand why it's taking so long. "Good things come to s/he who waits."


Maj.Nick Danger

I'll Lock Up
Behind the 8 ball,..
Marc Chevalier said:
Folks, there's no punchline -- because this isn't a joke.

It isn't me who is reducing my post odometer these days from 9,999 to, say, 9,996. As a regular (non-bartender) Lounger, I don't have the ability to delete posts I've made more than a day or two ago. Only a bartender can do this. And no, I don't know (or care) which one is doing it.

There will be a gift, yes, but no one's forcing anyone here to hang around, waiting for it. And bartenders, you can stop betting in the "Back Room" on when I'll make that 10,000th post ...

Christmas? [huh]


Marc Chevalier said:
Folks, there's no punchline -- because this isn't a joke.

It isn't me who is reducing my post odometer these days from 9,999 to, say, 9,996. As a regular (non-bartender) Lounger, I don't have the ability to delete posts I've made more than a day or two ago. Only a bartender can do this. And no, I don't know (or care) which one is doing it.

There will be a gift, yes, but no one's forcing anyone here to hang around, waiting for it. It will come when it will come. If you had to scan as many pages of this "gift" as I do, you'd understand why it's taking so long. "Good things come to he who waits".


Thanks for clearing this up. Very interesting that a bartender is behind all of this... I knew that was a possibility but just didn't think that it was very likely. But now I know...

The plot thickens!


Practically Family

Take your time. I'm still going through all your old posts and I won't be done until early next year. Your knowledge is really quite incredible - it has me dancing in the street.

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