Two of my favorite movies, The Full Monty and Brassed Off - aside from being great stories in and of themselves - are my favorites due to the yummy Yorkshire accents presented. I'm a sucker for a Yorkshire accent and I could watch these movies over and over simply for hearing everyone talk...
I wonder if this same mindset was used for Les Miserables (live stage musical version)....I always found it a bit funny that the story is set in France yet everyone has such varied and remarkable English accents.
A spoof on Facebook, in a retro setting. I think it's hilarious, and I'd love to have "computing machine" like that one!
Wonder if the hats are "real" fedoras or if they're the Justin Timberlake wanna-be hats sold at box stores....the latter would account for the "pimp" comment.
Hey now, Nebraska representin'. :) I gotta support a fellow cornhusker.
I know (embarrassingly) many people who are this stereotype in real is it life imitating art or art imitating life? He pokes fun at the stereotype, and the people he's poking fun at eat it up and laugh at...
Haven't they ever seen a rotary phone in use on TV reruns or older movies? :eeek:
Regarding vinyl, my husband said he saw something in the news yesterday how vinyl record sales increased by 40% this past year. It's either a hipster trend or kids today are discovering how much better sound...
It's surprising, with the popularity of Mad Men and the recent "retro" craze that more stations haven't tapped into that by showing reruns of those old shows. They might not think it worthwhile to target the boomer generation, but the younger generation is a gold mine waiting to be tapped into...
I've tried to convince my husband that sock garters and bow ties are sexy but he won't budge.
Back on topic:
Good God Almighty! Yep, that's a healthy way to eat and not get fat.....tape worms. What was I thinking do all that exercise? :eusa_doh:
It's a sanitized, Hollywood-ized version of it all (of course, it's a kid's movie so it's bound to be sanitized) but one of the American Girl movies - Kit Kittredge - explains hobos and their communities for those not in the know.
I like that they "thunk outside the box" for their wedding...
I've worked with people like that before and they had a "THEY deserve" mentality. Meaning, they felt their kids deserved that kind of lifestyle and not giving it to them would deprive them and give them a complex or something. Idiots. Not teaching their kids that they can't have everything in...
If I would have been talking to that woman I would have slapped her silly. My husband, who graduated with his master's degree last December, works 36 hours a week stocking groceries and earns $7.50 an hour. They only let him work 36 hours a week because if they gave him 40 they would have to...
You're right on the money with that one. There is a growing movement of simple living/back-to-the-landers who are desperately trying to learn "the old ways" because a time will be coming where those old skills will be needed and they will have been forgotten. We may not see it in our lifetime...
Anyone remember ZOOM on PBS?
And The Letter People?
Big Blue Marble?
Schoolhouse Rock? (I actually have a DVD of...
They suggest using WinAmp to listen to the streams, which can be downloaded from the site for free. But I've had the best luck clicking on the Windows Media Server link which goes to the WHRO host site and listening to it there, no download needed.
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