Our landline costs $25/month. Cell service here would cost anywhere from $40-60/month, depending on what bells and whistles one added. For me (and I'm 36), a cell would be a luxury.
And, after living through both an ice storm and a tornado, where we were without power for several days at a...
I'm finding this thread fascinating.....both the original topic and the off-topic wanderings. ;)
Neither hubby nor I have a need for a cell. We don't work in jobs where it's required to be on call, or to check email when we're not at work. We don't socialize in a way where we have to be in...
Yay, another Buffy fan! :eusa_clap
I saw Twilight last Friday with my husband (it was my birthday and he was humoring me) even though I haven't read the books. A co-worker has been after me for months to read them, but I just haven't been interested for some reason (and I LOVE stuff like...
LOL! And many of the girls have almost identical hairstyles as well....
Ever notice how in those photos of kids in their late teens and early 20's, they look so much older than that? It's always seemed that way to me, anyway.
I hear ya!
I loved looking at the photos from downtown Kearney, and lamenting that it doesn't look like that anymore and none of the cool shops and cafes remain. How I wish I could go back in time!
I work at the University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK), and just discovered the library has archived scanned images of almost 50 years worth of yearbooks, ranging in date from 1908 - 1980's. What's even better, is that those scanned images are available to look at online! (UNK began as "Kearney...
I remember that smell very well.....when I was in the 1st through about 4th grade (late 70's early 80's) my school still made all copies that way. I would pick up the paper and just inhale....ahhhh.
When I was doing my student teaching in college in 1997 (back when I was still going to be a...
LOL!!! I had to laugh at this....I work at a university and I go through at least 3-4 of these envelopes a day, sending things back and forth between my office and the human resources department which is in another building.
So, the last time I used one of these was approx. 5 minutes...
I've really enjoyed reading through this thread.
I belong to another forum at www.simpleliving.net and the folks there range from extreme militia-type survivalists to vegan hippy-tree huggers (said with a smile, not as a bad thing) and these types of topics and conversations take place...
I kind of feel the same way - I guess it's a way to "express yourself" through the layout you choose, music you put on, list all of your interests, etc. The "Friends" part seems to me more like a popularity contest - let's see who has more friends on their page! But you have to know a lot of...
There's a few actors that have that "golden era" look or feel to them IMO (not made up for a movie role, just their facial structure, carriage, demeanor):
Maggie Gyllenhall (sp?)
Scarlett Johansen
Anne Hathaway
George Clooney
Tom Hanks
Ewan McGregor
Another newbie here with a newbie perspective of the OB, as it's the subforum that most of the hullaballoo is centered around......;)
I have to agree with others who said the OB should be a place where all topics, vintage and non-vintage, should be welcome (while following the rules already...
What a fun thread!
I lived in Omaha, NE when they were filming "Election" with Matthew Broderick and Reese Witherspoon, 1997.
I returned home from work at 3:00 am and found the parking lot to my apartment complex filled with RV trailers and semi trucks. I was annoyed because I couldn't...
It's not a "palace," but my town used to have an awesome movie house called the Fort Theater.
I remember seeing movies there as a child, but in the 80's it became derelict and nasty. Someone bought the place and tried to restore it to it's former art deco glory but ran out of money. It...
Growing up with older parents (they were married in 1952, I was born in 1972, lol) gave me an appreciation and knowledge of the era, but I didn't concsiously come to love it until I was in high school.
While flipping through channels one day, I happened upon AMC and Kitty Foyle with Ginger...
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