OMG, this site is awesome!
I love the Smiling Victorians capsule. Sometimes it's so hard to relate to the people in the conventional, staid, posed, unsmiling photos from that era. These just bring it home that they were just like us, in different clothes and without iphones.
Everything old becomes new again in some form. And, there will always be niches of society who seek out the obscure and forgotten music of yesteryear.
Take us, for example. We see a value in seeking out and preserving this old "dead" music and we discuss it and share it on threads like...
Yes, people can be that ignorant. I let him know my feelings but knew it wasn't going to change his mind. To him it was "just a dog." People like that make me see red.
There is a vet clinic in town I went to out of necessity once, and on the new patient questionairre they asked if I...
I'll chime in and agree with everyone else: if you're not willing to spend a lot of money, time, and attention to a dog, please do the dog a favor and don't adopt it.
I think it's great that you're looking to a rescue dog from the Humane Society (the only way to go, in my opinion). Perhaps it...
My husband and I frequently watch DVD's of movies with the subtitles/closed captioning on, not because we're hard of hearing but it's amazing at how much dialogue gets missed, especially if the actor is off-screen or whispering. It's also amazing, if it's an old movie, how many strange-to-us...
Just curious if any of you Loungers have ever communicated with each other with good old fashioned pen and paper? Sort of like an FL pen-pals club? Would be a great excuse to use real stationary and fountain pens, not to mention practicing the art of letter writing, which seems to be a skill...
I'm dying to know if you have ever come across a fortune cookie message that says "Help! I'm trapped in a fortune cookie factory!" ? Every time my husband and I eat Chinese we joke about this. We're easily amused.
Mashed potatoes and gravy. Cranberry sauce or jelly. Green bean casserole (although some see this more as a Christmas item than Thanksgiving). Pumpkin pie is more traditionally associated with Thanksgiving than any other pie, but of course others work too.
How fun that must have been!
I think I'd be too much of a scared wimp to fly in an open cockpit plane, though. Better to live vicariously through others' experiences. :)
Perhaps it is my age showing. I was born in '72 and like others have said, I feel completely disengaged from current culture.
So that begs the we become less interested in such things as we age? Do we reach a point where trends, fads, and pop culture pass us by without us...
I was thinking along these same lines recently, though not because of the original topic seems like this past decade, 2000 - 2010, seems rather lost to me in the pop culture department. Each decade seems to have its defining aura that is easily felt, seen or heard.....70's disco...
We gave up cable/broadcast service earlier this year due to cost. Losing TCM, The History Channel and BBC America was painful, as those were the only channels we really watched. As well as PBS. Yes, many shows on PBS can be watched in full online, but it's no fun to hunker down for an evening...
Has any of these doofus's who wear their pants like that ever offered any explanation as to why that look is a fad? I mean granted, that photo is a bit extreme, but the guys whose pant waist is halfway down their bum and the crotch is hanging between their knees.....why? Seriously, what was...
I can attest to the no pantyhose-among-the-young anymore; a few years ago a young co-worker of mine, she was 24, was complaining about being too cold in winter when she would wear a skirt. An older co-worker (late 40's) suggested she wear pantyhose when wearing skirts to be warmer. The 24 yr...
Recently my husband and I started checking out The Waltons from our local library and watching them in order from season 1. I never watched it as a child but my husband did, he's enjoying introducing me to everything Walton. I don't know why I never crossed paths with this show then; as...
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