We may not be able to go back in time and live in an era we think is superior, but there is nothing stopping us from embracing those aspects and virtues from 'then' and apply them to our lives now. Sure, there are some things we have no control over (such as forced direct deposit, for example)...
I found this interesting because I feel the same way....I have social anxiety issues and sometimes just the thought of having to make chit chat with someone, even if it's just a shop clerk, makes me die a little inside. But at the same time I know that if I isolate too much, that's equally bad...
Where I work we have no option of a paper check either. It's all direct deposit. It's done for efficiency, and to save paper costs. We used to get a paper pay stub, but last year they made that all electronic too, to save on paper costs (I work at a university and our budgets have been...
I'd rather they update stuff as needed, rather than get rid of it altogether. 'Pirates' is a fine example....they updated the ride to include animatronic characters/scenes from the movie franchise to appeal to younger audiences.
This was one of my favorite attractions at Disney World too! The last time I was there was in 2000, and they had it open for guests only at select times (re: hardly at all). I hope that they don't get rid of it, but just continue updating it as needed. Maybe as more time goes by, add in more...
I have lots of peach fuzz so maybe there's hope for me yet! (re: Marilyn's glowy looks)
However, due to having PCOS I have the dreaded dark upper lip mustache, which I use a depilitory cream every 1-2 weeks to get rid of, plus tweeze out the dark course chin hairs as needed. C'est la vie.
I just discovered this show a couple of weeks ago, thank goodness all of the episodes are available to watch in full on pbs.org! I can't believe there's only 4 episodes to a season though, or am I just missing something?
I need help finding a link in a prior thread, searching the forum has not turned up anything (at least I *think* I'm not crazy and I found the link here at FL).
A couple of years ago someone posted a link to a site where some radio company had released digitally one full day of broadcasting...
Don't forget your inner health too....diet and nutrition plays a huge role in skin conditions. Some good information here (be sure to read the comments too):
My husband works at a grocery store where the loop of Christmas music doesn't have much variety so he hears the same songs over and over and over....he jokes he's going to write a short story about a homicidal maniac whose trigger to start shooting is Christmas music, lol. Plus, an ex of mine...
I ran across this video on youtube and was fascinated by this couple who live as close to 19-teens to 20's as possible. Anyone know them or heard of them before?
Good question. I guess for convenience? And of course the ladies' hairstyles would be using modern products and techniques too. I highly doubt any of those actresses are only washing their hair once a week and setting their hair in pin curls every night. lol
$2.00 an episode isn't too bad, especially since it would be agonizing to wait for the DVD release, as well as for our library to purchase it! I think I read a few pages back that season 5 will begin in March 2012.
Wow, I'm finally caught up!
A few weeks ago I checked out the first season of Mad Men from the library just to see what all the fuss was about. My husband and I became instantly hooked and have inhaled every episode since, and will be done with season 4 shortly. I've also been slowly...
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