I view the marketing as "pink, sparkly pens are the only kind of pens girls want, so here they are, just for you!" I mean, why not just start making pink sparkly pens without the special label and have it as just another color option? Were they afraid a man would buy them and then discover...
Using my colored Pyrex bowls and milk glass salt and pepper shakers.
Using cold cream to remove make up.
Simply living in my house which was built in 1935....take out the modern furniture, kitchen appliances, TV and computer and it looks just like it did back then (was barely touched/updated...
Yet another one of my Dad's older brothers, Charles Hird, also served. He was a staff sergeant in the Army Air Corps. Again I'm hazy on the details but Dad said Charles was a crew chief on a B-24, and his superiors were so impressed with him they made him an instructor at a training base so he...
My Dad's older brother, John Clyde Hird (the family always called him by his middle name of Clyde), served in the South Pacific with the 5th cavalry. He was in the band and so acted as a litter bearer and ammunition runner (forgive me if there are more technical, military terms for these jobs)...
Forgive me if these have been posted elsewhere but I'd never seen this collection of photographs before and thought I'd share.
The kids jumping off the building into the Hudson River made me gasp! That would have lawsuit written all over it today...
Hmm, well, my dad is 6'2 and 81 years old, and in relatively good health for his age. He could stand to lose 50 pounds but he won't. He views his protruding belly as something well earned and deserving of maintenance.
PBS is currently rebroadcasting Ken Burn's The War, which neither my husband or I have seen before. The link you posted will be a great companion piece to watch a long with it.
Celebrity deaths always seem to come in 3's....This last bunch was Andy Griffith, Ernest Borgnine and now Celeste Holm. Wonder who will be next of the golden era actors? :(
Society as a whole has become much, much more informal over the years, until you get to today where people go out shopping in their pajamas and slippers and no one bats an eye at it because we've become so used to seeing it. That, or their photo lands on peopleofwalmart.com, lol.
Back then...
Just out of curiosity I Googled 'nurses uniform' to check out what is being offered and it's almost exclusively scrubs! I was hard pressed to find one online shop that sells the traditional white dress. I'm not a nurse nor in the medical profession, just was curious.
When did scrubs become...
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