Was it for a man's shirt, or unisex?
1X usually connotates a woman's plus size in U.S. sizing. It goes up from there - 2X, 3X. Probably to soften the blow to women having to buy a larger size as it looks better on the tag than XXL or XXXL.
I did search for it but nothing came up!
The clothes were spectacular. The film definitely takes the angle that it was not the great romance it's been....well, romanticized to be, at least after the marriage from Wallis's point of view.
You mean something like this? http://www.oldtimecomputer.com/oldtimecomputer/home.html
I agree, vintage aesthetics are much more appealing to me. Love the technology, hate plastic. Unless they started making modern gadgets with Bakelite, that might be another story. :)
This is spot on. As a plus size wearing gal, I can attest to the fact that most stores like JC Penney and Kohls have pathetic excuses for plus size departments. No variety, no style, and most everything is designed to fit like a mumu. I would love for stores to outfit their plus size...
Saw W.E. over the weekend and wondering if anyone here has seen it, and what did you think?
I loved it and intend on buying the DVD, but I understand why some people would have been put off by it or wouldn't "get it"....my husband being one of them, lol.
Directed by Madonna, it offers a...
You're right, "type" is more appropriate than age. My husband and I were in our late 30's too and loved it. I was a total nerd in Jr./Sr high school though so I could relate to it very well!
I think The Goonies is one of those films that is a generational, moment-in-time things.....you had to be a 8 - 13 year old in the mid 1980's, in America, and have had to seen it at the movie theater when it came out, to appreciate its appeal.
For a current example, the movie Napoleon...
Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who has not read the books (and likes them) liking the movies. I love the movies, but only because I'm also a Potter book fan. The plots are so complex that if I had never read the books, I would have hated the movies.
But then, not everyone likes this...
This movie flopped at the box office when it came out and was appreciated by only a few for decades until it started being shown en masse on TV. It's one of our favorite movies of all time and both my husband and I cry buckets at the end of it, while my parents (in their 80's) are completely...
I could do without the beaded masquerade mask obscuring half her face, but her hair and gown are stunning in a 30's starlet kind of way, what do you think?:
I wish she would leave off with the wacky outfits, she really is a beautiful...
This made me smile. :)
"Yesterday morning, at the behest of pro-dandy British publication The Chap, "swathes of immaculately dressed chaps and chapettes" descended on No. 3...
I hope they do a fitting tribute to him this New Year's Eve. It's been years since I actually watched the Rockin' Eve show, but just knowing that it would be on and would show the ball dropping made the night.
Well it's from the creator of Downton Abbey, so I have high hopes. :)
Now that the commemorations of the 100th anniversary are in full swing this week I'm in Titanic-nerd mode and can't wait to watch this this weekend!
The image uploader won't let me insert an image, but click on the link. ;)
Honestly, I think (among the millenial generation) those words are so commonplace they don't even consider them obscene or swear words. To many of them it's just the normal way to talk. Which is [like] sad. :eusa_doh:
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