Man alive rlk! You're a bloke who simply won't be stuck with a stereotype. Of all the folks in the lounge, you give us by far the most variety (rivalled only by Sue - but she has the unfair advantage of being able to wear ladies lids too!). Westerns, fedoras, stingies and even a tam o' shanter...
Man I do love that Chesterfield, Johnny!
The Stetson No2 box is the same design as my yellow/green coloured one (see below). Any idea of its vintage? I guessed somewhere around WWII.
G'day Jeff and welcome to the Lounge - and to the Observation Bar Association.
It's surprising that half a planet away here in Australia students study the same subjects towards their law degree - and in most instances only the cases and legislation names have been changed. The law shares a...
Thanks Tooch. Each tells us something of the hat, the maker, and the times in which they were made.
A little bit of social history in cardboard really!
Fantastic pics Brad. So, the label address referred to the retailing headquarters and not the manufacturing HQ. If I remember rightly, Stetson combined their manufacturing and retail hq at their Philadelphia precinct.
Where were the 5th Ave hat stores?
Most of the hats that bore the "5th Ave New York" tag on their famous lables would never have been anywhere near New York. They were made in factories elsewhere and sold by retailers farther afield. So why was it necessary to claim a New York address? Where...
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