Nope. When it comes to stretching a panama the sweat is the least of your problems. Assuming the sweat is in good condition it will stretch easily (though I would give it some leather conditioner a couple of days before I started stretching). It's the body of the panama that needs gentle...
Swaviator, I can only speak from my own experience but I recently resized a vintage (50's) Stetson panama - the one I'm wearing on this thread a few days back.
It is (or was) a size 7 rigid panama and I needed it to fit my size 7 1/4 melon. The trick was steam and patience. I was worried...
Welcome back Sam.
What was the trial about?
You realise of course that you now owe the Bar a pic or 2, or at the very least a couple of recommendations re top notch wine and tucker!
Many thanks for that Brad. I agree with all you've said. I still can't figure out why the sweat is blank. Most makers will supply blank replacement parts if asked (as Akubra do), but for some reason Dobbs seems to have released this hat with a blank sweatband. Maybe their stamper was in for...
Distinguished eh? Many thanks for that Mr P. I shall walk a bit taller now!
Barrister??? But I'm a solicitor in this quaint land of the divided profession. Barristers are the ones who wear gowns and robes. Solicitors are the ones who actually do legal work. lol lol
Many thanks Rusty. I don't think there's any age to this one (see what I've written in Dobbs Diner) but it's in good condition and a solid no frills lid.
It'll do!
I came across this bit of information on the Knox Hats building at 450 5th Avenue in a discussion on the redevelopment of the site:
"The new tower would be a couple of doors to the west of the 29-story tower at 450 Fifth Avenue that was erected by the Republic National Bank in 1985 and...
A Dobbs of dubious heritage...
This Dobbs arrived today. It was sold on eBay as a 1940's fedora. It isn't of course, but I knew that when I bought it. The liner logo is the one they used for decades so it doesn't help us much. The sweatband is blank and modern, so it's possible that it's a...
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