Yep Sam. Australia gave Pakistan a thorough bottom-smack - again! It's very a very one-sided contest, which doesn't make for much excitement as a spectator.
The one-day series** against the West Indies starts soon and I'm going to the match here.
**For those unfamiliar with the greatest...
Jimmy....what can I say but....splendid!
I gotta get me a Whippet - just as soon as I can beat off the fellow loungers who flock to 'em like flies on roadkill whenever one appears on the Bay.
G'day Sam...and yes indeed Australia Day rates a public holiday.
Not to mention a game of cricket and a barbeque. Today's cricket is a one-day match between Australia v Pakistan.
Yes Sam. Traditionally the squatter has a round telescope crease - like a porkpie - and a low crown. Basically I just pushed that into a teardrop. I'm going to experiment with a wide centre dent to lift the crown a little.
Randy, I'm guessing mine is from the 90's or maybe later 80's, but I...
Borsalino Marca Renna
I picked up this old Borsalino a few weeks back and it arrived in a rather crumpled state. One thing about Borsalinos though - they are no trouble to put back into shape. I've not heard of the "Marca Renna" model before but it is not dissimilar from my 'Super Borsalino' in...
Resurrection! Borsalino Marca Renna
Remember this from a few weeks back?
Well...a bit of steam, a reblock and a teardrop later the Borsalino Marca Renna looked like this today:
More in the Borsalino Brotherhood.
Great Kaiser's Ghost Mario!
Those cancer sticks'll kill ya.
And your hat size is way too small for such an outcome to benefit me at all. So have a care ol' chap.
Love that coat by the way!
Man O Man Buler!
That's a serious eye-popping drooler, Buler. In fact, I'm gonna make a list and call it "Buler's Droolers"!
It'll be a long list.
Now, how about sticking that box in Hatbox Homage?
Thanks to the seasoned eyes of the Lounge I've been able to figure out that the best brim width for me is around 2 1/4-2 1/2. (The Thoroughbred in my avatar is 2 1/4). Mr P, of course, mounts a commanding argument for much wider brims and I do have an OR and a Squatter that are pushing the 3"...
Yes indeed Craig. Akubra is as iconic to Australians as Stetson is to you folks. They're both 19th Century enterprises (Akubra founded in the 1870s), but the difference is that Akubra is still owned by the founder's family - and they still insist that any family member who wants to join the...
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