She does occassionally have memory loss and when tested, doctors were unsure of the presence of an infection or virus, although results were positive to some abnormality to the inner ear. Thanks to incorrect claim coding and hard-headed billing clerks, the tests are currently unaffordable until...
My significant other also suffers from something like Tinnitus (but not sure if that's it; doctor's can't figure it out) and she swears by the low-sodium diet. She also recommends getting at least 8-9 hours of sleep. She often rocks in a rocking Lay-Z-Boy and stays away from loud noises to...
*This is not a personal ad or anything of that nature!*
Yesterday, I went into an antique store that I frequent due to it's constant stock of vintage hats. I picked up a 7 1/2 Royal Stetson, brown, bound brim, leather sweat, silk liner, 5 1/2 crown, really nice hat.
While I was there, I...
I can't imagine this has much of a nose or taste beyond straight burn. I would be fairly disappointed if this didn't have SOME taste. And 10 year old at that? It just sounds rough and unworthy of more than a sip.
Any more info on this? (I imagine this will get bummed to the other forum)
R.I.P. Harvey Korman
BBC News
Comic actor Harvey Korman, who played Hedley Lamarr in Blazing Saddles, has died at the age of 81 in Los Angeles.
Korman, who appeared in a number of other Mel Brooks films, was also known for co-starring in US TV classic The Carol Burnett...
I was not aware of their navy development. That's troubling indeed. AND :offtopic: I totally don't agree with their choice to continue developing a navy. Not just because I subscribe to the "Don't mess with the US" doctrine, but because I believe any mass building of military is foolish...
Good points.
I don't think Communisim would have been as pervasive, at least not until much later. Stalin was still killing his own peasants to make way for state farms and even after he'd finished that, there may not have been a strong push to begin developing a more efficient military...
Thought I should bump this one as I've seen much talk in similar threads.
Personally, I reuse anything I can within sanitary means.
*edit: I bumped this PRIOR to seeing the "Saving Tip of the Day" thread started by Foofoogal. Sorry for cluttering things up!
Cobden, that is a great list! I think that is quite viable.
In order for there to be no WWII, we would also need to eliminate Nazism. I think we all agree that the Nazi state under the leadership of AH was bent, one way or another, on expansion. I just don't think peace was possible in any...
I'm not sure excluding credit and loans would be "old school". Beside the obvious fact that people have been taking loans since the invention of currency, I can provide one "vintage" example of credit.
During the '30's and '40's, my great-aunt Leona would send my grandmother Ruth down to the...
Cremate me. Spread my ashes in one of the parks where I grew up. Celebrate but don't spend anything on me - believe me, I won't mind. I try not to think about the rest. (Did you like my bad pun?) :p
Honestly, if you prefer to dress that way, stick to it. I've made a few comprimises with women when it came to my dressing habits and it was very hard to get back into the groove once they and I were together.
Some women may feel intimidated, but wait for the right ones to come your way.
I apologize for the pictures I provided; they're from an Amazon listing. I don't find them to be very accurate in as much as they look quite mediocre. My pair of shoes (post-shine) look fantastic - much better than the picture provided.
If you're seriously considering a shoe like this, you...
I don't doubt your experience. However, I just polished them up last night with some cream and brown shoe polish (because it wasn't a cordovan as the shoe box described) and I got a really nice shine.
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