I could go on all day, believe me. I watch A TON of movies.
But anyway, here are some highlights:
M. Night Shyamalan films
Tarantino films (except Inglorious Basterds)
John Travolta movies
Angelina Jolie movies
Ben Stiller movies
Sports films
American Beauty
Citizen Kane...
And not to offend in turn, but I find your reaction to this issue to be quite English in nature, and equally as humorous.
Leave it to an Englishman to point out something as simple as difference in dialect. :rolleyes:
Although this does remind me of Eddie Izzard's rant on Scrabble. ;) :D
This very issue sets me on edge. :mad:
Are they implying that one may find the sale big, while others may not - and thus, they add quotes around big, but if only to notify shoppers of their signmaker's opinion on the matter?
Argh! :rage:
This is another issue I have with universities. Courses and teachers are being cut across the board, to the point of near collapse - all the while tuition + room/board are rising. The justification? We can't afford those addtional courses, we can't afford to offer these...
Agreed with the others.
Conservative = black freshly polished shoes, dark navy suit, white point or spread collar shirt which is ironed and buttoned (and starched? ;) ), complimentary tie that's not too loud, combed and cut hair - short is good - with a little Brylcreem, a leather strap watch...
Wow, that's ridiculous. I should hope society has improved to the extent that a judge can't throw someone out of their courtroom simply based on a personal distaste for particular facial hair styles.
On the other hand, I guess I've heard many stories to the contrary. :rolleyes:
I agree about the edge of the ribbon popping out above the bow. After looking over my pictures, it became more apparent. I think some ironing and a few tack stitches could eliminate that. It was a late night when I'd finished, and that was an obvious mistake my eye just didn't catch. At least...
Honestly, I think people can wear it again in theory, but it most certainly would require some force of personality in application.
Let's put it this way, I think a gentleman should avoid the look because it calls undue, and negative attention to his image and style. A gentleman should not...
Well, it's a little white lie on my part, as I've never seen the "Chicago Hook" as mentioned in a previous thread:
Chicago Hook Bash
However, it looks like the "Detroit Hook" bash, so I took the liberty of reversing the crease and calling it the Chicago. It's all conjecture, but hey...
Although this seems like common sense, some of us brainiacs don't use our heads too well. :eusa_doh:
Let me tell you right now, wear gloves! Unless you like your hands turning into a chalk board of dry, dusty skin, that is. Also, let your area be WELL ventilated (read OUTDOORS). After I let...
I'm entirely with you on this. Nothing makes me more uncomfortable than receiving unsolicited gifts or assistance. Don't know why, just how it's always been.
I prefer to do things entirely for myself. If I don't know how it's done, I'll ask how it's done. If I'm having considerable trouble...
I have very many with whom I'm acquainted, but very few with whom I friends.
Fortunately, I've had some pretty rough (and unforseen) tests that have weeded out alot of chaff from my wheat.
Removed the original glue and sewed the liner in with 8 tack stitches:
Replaced the oringal bow with a double bow setup - black grosgrain on cream satin:
Reattached the ribbon with 5 tack stiches, plus 6 at the bow:
Steamed, rounded out, recreased:
Wasn't happy with the new...
I was looking over this excellent thread again, and saw your response - thought I would address it and revive this interesting topic.
I know exactly what you mean, IRB. There is an old flight simulation game called Retaliator that I used to love. Both planes were real mock-ups of experimental...
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