There's another one - smoking. It's nearly serial murder if you smoke. If you're not planning to kill yourself with it, then your second hand smoke is being attributed to the death of everyone around you.
In my state, it's not allowed in public buildings, including apartment buildings (that's...
So I don't want to slide down a slippery slope - but what's next?
Do you guys think we'll end up in Total Recall body scanners at every port of transportation including subways and buses? Or schools? Or what about running background checks on people purchasing plane tickets?
And although I...
This is the upcoming "trend" you will see in health insurance policies - but don't quote me on that. ;) It will be something tested out for the next few years in smaller markets where there's no deductibles anymore, only coinsurance/out-of-pocket maximums for all services. Thus, if you're paying...
John, I think that's a great analogy! Either for or against, you've painted a good picture.
Diamondback, I'm right there with you sir! And I like the slogan, "Zero Tolerance = 100% Intolerance".
Also, being someone currently on the inside of a certain industry, I can say with authority -...
Perhaps. Or at least a waiver saying you understand no one has been screened before boarding the plane.
How many planes have been exploded mid-air in all of history? How many attempts have there been? How effective do you really think all this security is? Perhaps it's effective as a...
I would have no problem signing a waiver and boarding a plane with no frisking. Or at the very least, as Pompidou stated, I'd accept metal detectors only. And health insurance? Well, that's a loaded question on my end, but I can say with certainty that some insurance companies are changing...
Just a question - and I believe one most appropriate for this crowd of all others because we're so vintage oriented. As a note, this isn't a space to voice political differences, so let's leave that at the door, please and thank you.
Who on here would willingly, even preferably, board an...
Isn't that the truth. Anymore that could run the line of kahki's and button down to "tuxedo". I think you could play it safe with a midnight blue two piece, white button down with point collar, gold metals and black leathers. You'll appear conservative and sharp, but not entirely overdressed...
I was able to read through the article and I'm wondering why it was even posted at all. It follows no distinct argument other than, "Why, oh why, can't people buy my product?" Yet, this designer is himself part of his own problem?
Then to confound the reader, this designer blames the Queen...
Personally, that doesn't sound right (although I'm no shoe expert). Yes, shoes often require a bit of a breaking-in, but to be so dramatic as this doesn't make sense. It sounds like something was ill-fitting from the start and you didn't notice.
If someone doesn't provide a better...
Great point! I've had beef with this issue recently as well. Let me insert a little conjecture here, but it seems like after The Simpsons really took hold of American popular culture, it was suddenly "good advertising" to portray men as these goofy, stupid, subservient train wrecks with no...
Wow, some of those really tip the scales.
How about that first one: "Indoors, women are useful - even pleasant. On a mountain they are something of a drag." :eusa_doh:
I think Fred has a point in that if you aren't familiar with what you're looking for, you can very easily make an expensive mistake.
It's worth noting that the shops listed above, which Fred recommends one should avoid, can sell nice clothes, but on the other hand, I've noticed each has some...
Precisely what I was saying. I can't imagine too many folks in India, China, or even the middle east (aka the "Orient") would necessarily know much about the Stovepipe itself. Maybe if you showed them a picture of Lincoln in the hat, they could name him, or at least tell you he was an American...
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