I agree Airborne, gotta have a few small bills for tipping (valets, hat checks, doormen, hostesses, snitches, etc.).
Although, once you break that first C-note you usually have change, so I guess it works out.
How do you tell them apart?
On a name-related note, a local theatre just showed The Princess Bride on the big screen. I hadn't seen it like that since it first came out.
A lot of fun. Scratches on the print, a few blips on the soundtrack and some splicer at some point did something that...
Predators always seek out the weak or different, they catch the eye. Add to that the fact that most kids desperately want to be "normal" or just like everyone else. If you aren't "normal", you are usually the most aware of it of anyone around. If it causes you to walk around eyes downcast and...
I can see the Burt, it's in the eyes.
No matter your other aging issues, you appear to have achieved an admirable consistency in your female companionship. :D
.oO(mental note - reread Candide) :D
Definitely Socrates would have done better to have a few more "beers and friendly conversation" than "insulting incisiveness and hemlock".
Some of us are maybe.
Some others would be more than happy to see the code duello reauthorized for a season or two. I tell you what, civility would rapidly increase in the short term if some folks had to defend their words with their bodies.
Not "classical" per se, but definitely conducive to a survey mindset -
I really like lately for history the books that take a particular subject and put it in its historical context with background. Usually a bit more "fun" to read as well. They have so much stuff touched on that if...
Not "having to" Paisley, being able to, to yourself.
And it isn't necessarily some kind of deductive "proof" either, merely an rational and valid explanation of why you hold what you hold.
Comparing, say, the difficulty of explaining a scientific theory like "how perception of time is...
Folding Money
Radney Foster
When I was just a boy, my granddaddy took me to town one afternoon
He drove an LTD, wore a big white Stetson, and two-tone cowboy boots
He said, "Son here goes" and handed me a twenty just to see the look on my face
He said, "Don't tell your mama nothin about...
I like to carry around a few hundred. I've gone too many times in my life where the $20 in my pocket was all the money I had.
It's nice to just pay for things without waiting for someone to bring me something to sign. I can always get a receipt if it's tax-deductible.
I know you're mostly joking Martini, but there is value in having someone ask pointed questions to make you examine the basis and consistency of your stated beliefs and opinions. Which can indeed make you want to poison the questioner, set beliefs die hard. :D
While there's nothing wrong...
I believe part of it is defensiveness and another part jealousy.
We're now in a time when there are few generally accepted norms or truths, but rather a polarized relativism, therefore there's no safety in actually believing and expressing that belief in something whole-heartedly.
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