I had to look up the movie.
"Sidehackers" from the 2nd season.
J.C. (antagonist) - "Where's Rommel?" (the hero)
Tom Servo - "Have you checked Algeria?"
Oh sure. Take his side. :D
As one of those who requested a separate area, I did some checking. Even counting the latest group there are only about 70 threads that pop up when searching under firearms, gun, shoot, or holster. And less than half of those are explicitly related to the topic...
The key to me was I didn't want to be taller, sitting on the bike, than it was long. On the Sportster (at 6'2" and 200) that would have been the case.
The old "monkey molesting a coconut" problem.
If I don't go Fatboy next time (and it will take some doing to go American) I'm going...
It's just a game. I'm sure you don't indulge the desire to go all Grand Prix at night on the streets of your city in real life.
Be warned though, they are more fun in real life. (not to mention expensive, responsibility requiring, addictive, expensive... :D )
"Gun freaks"? :eusa_doh:
That's "firearm afficiandos" to you. :mad:
Until you buy yourself that 1911 of course, then you can be a gun freak as well. lol
There are very few reasons most gun people view as illegitimate for liking a particular firearm anymore than most car people...
Spent my formative gun years buying and selling the flavor of the month when I worked at a shooting range.
Funny I ended up with nothing designed after 1935. [huh]
I'll send you a copy of my license when it comes in.
That is a good amount of wear then. Nice job on the revo.
I'm sending in my C&R License app. tomorrow. I'm hoping to get my collection of classic revo's started on the cheap. :D
If you are planning to carry them (concealed) regularly, the 1911 is a lot flatter.
If not, I like revolvers, they have panache and a little more vintage-y feel.
Party pooper! :(
If you're still with us. I forgot to ask what you were thinking of (primarily) doing with either handgun choice?
That might help determine either/or (though the choice in those situations should always be "both"). :D
From the Greek "hoplon" which (I understood) means "weapon".
An irrational fear of weapons, as weapons, being inanimate objects, cannot rationally be feared.
And I'd like (somewhat hypocritically) to remind everyone that personal attacks are not...
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