Inclement weather is the rule where I live, so sometimes I can use the clothesline, but often, I use an antique wooden rack on pullies, the kind that was always seen in kitchens back in the old days. This hangs over the wood stove, and drys faster than an electric dryer. My method of hanging the...
I have for years used, and will continue to use, an Open Road with the brim turned down in back. As far as I am concerned it is perfect. I've probably been out a dozen times so far this spring, and have encountered sun, rain, hail, and winds strong enough to blow my canoe off the lake. The OR...
Yep to the shorthand thing in Jolly Olde, but over here in NA I've never met a reporter who uses it. And yes, it was in college that the ruination of my penmanship began. More and more the Ink Stained Wretch uses a recorder:rage:
I can still write legibly if I take the time and concentrate...
After writing with a fountain pen for several years now, I would never use anything else. As for penmanship, if you want to irretrievably ruin it, work as a print reporter for a while. Half the time I can't read my own scrawl anymore.
PLEASE don't alter your Grandad's hat! It is irreplaceable. I would love to have a hat like that. It looks like a genuine Boss of the Plains, and even if it isn't, how many like it have you seen? Me? Never.
There is some talk out there that this photo is the result of a Government hoax created in an attempt to shore up their campaign to save some of what is left of the rain forest. Anybody have any info on that?
If it's a real deal, I think it was bloody stupid to get that close to them in a...
Just finishing THE TIN ROOF BLOWDOWN by James Burke, getting ready to start Elizabeth George's CARELESS IN RED, DS Lynley's first outing since his poor wife was murdered.
Holy Smokes! I just discovered this thread. What a collection of Beeeutiful ladies! :eek: Yow! Makes this lonely old bushman want to move back to the big smoke. Too bad more women don't realize how wonderful they would look in those classic and class threads.
"Living well is the best revenge." You got it Sister. She got it all, but man, I'm a much happir guy. 58, single, living in bachelor heaven, lone bull kicked out of the herd.
Living well? Rifle, fly rod, books.
Hey! Which one of you guys won that Stetson 100 today? I went to $150, hadda go out, got back online, found it went for $191.50. Just so you know, I really wanted that lid, so I hope whoever won it gets lotso miles out of it.:( :)
Those ain't my thing really, but when I lived in a bigger town, used to see them in thrift stores all the time. Older ones, not rubberized or nylon or any of that nonsense. Might be worth a look if you have any such emporiums in your neck of the woods.
I had to give up my pipes about 6 months ago :( due to the onset of asthma. But my favorite all-day tobacco was Gawith's Skiff Mixture, and I liked Peterson's Irish Oak for evenings. Loved meerschaums and Butz Choquin briars. The Skiff is a nice light English, a real treat if a full English has...
Several days ago I was really enjoying the 'Adventurers' thread, with all the cool old pics of African hunting et al, and now I can't find it. Can some one take pity on a doddering old coot and tell me where to find it?
With my current day-to-day 50 yr old Open Road, I just grab it by the pinch and mash. Sometimes I just spontaneously role a little flourish when doing it, but right now, since I'm thinking about it, I can't do it.
I do the same with my minty old Borsalino, but I do do it a bit more carefully...
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