Neat you found a hat that suits you so well on the first try.
On steaming, if you want to avoid cooking the sweatband (found out the hard way) apply steam from a kettle as was suggested previously and be sure to steam only on the crown side of the hat.
Hi All, when it comes to computers and the Net, I am not the sharpest tack in the box, am in fact semi-illiterate.
Perhaps some of you smart youngsters can help me. On is there a way to jump to a particular page number? I wanted to go to where I left off last nite, but can find no...
Man, I'm really liking these last posts. My kinda iron. As to you NM boys, really is the Land of Enchantment. Growing up, we had a summer house in Cloudcroft, built in 1900 with all the original furniture. Lotso Navajo rugs etc,. If there is a heaven, I'll be spending it in that house.
Holy Smokes:D . Saw a news item yesterday on BBC. A NEW, hand painted, long and lean, extraordinary and ginormous steam locomotive called the Tornado has been built in Britain. It is going to go into regular service. Seems there is hope for the new century after all.
I submit that the Mahatma is a rather poor example for your argument. He eschewed his three piece for a diaper, changed a country and became a model for tolerance, non-judgment and peace.
Yep, the good old everyman WW2 #4. Depending on bore condition etc., that'd be about a $250-$300 gun up here in the far frozen, they used to be about $50 but are now bringing more because so many were sporterised. Probably fewer of them down in the lower 48, that might have a bearing. But if I...
That photo and its attendant story are smashing! They say if you want to know about your wife, look at her mother. You're a lucky guy! That old gal looks like she was a real fire cracker. Reminds me of the time I was xcountry skiing and an old guy in his 80's, spandex head to foot, passed me...
Right on, Eric. Anybody doubting this needs a tour of Tony Llama's. When I was a kid, we went to the factory outlet for our boots. Not a gringo in or around the place anywhere.:D
Ky, If you could say what model (or better yet a picture) Enfield you have, I could be more definite, but I'd say if you can get straight across, you'd be doing pretty well. Up here Enfields are a dime a dozen, except for really nice all original ones like early No.1 Mk3's, Metfords and such. If...
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