My grandfather fought in the Battle of the Bulge and he's in the hospital right now. Fluids around his lungs and heart. Though it may be gone now, I'm not sure. I'll have to ask my mother.
Here's the end of a story I'm writing. It's in a very early stage, so this part probably will look nothing like the final version.
Anderson jogged down the white corridor and came to an abrupt stop outside of cabin C-82. He knocked on it repeatedly. Harder and harder each time. An elderly...
I thought it would be rather polite of me to inform you I'm stealing your sense of style. So, if you wake up and find it's gone, you know where it is! :D
I have rather thick, curly hair, so I just stick to short sides and back with a longer top. I hardly put pomade in it as it tends to make me look younger and hardly holds. I leave it dry most of the time.
Thanks for the luck! :)
Thanks to everyone else for the advice. It all seems to me you've said generally the same, so I'll trust you all!
I've already taken a look in the "What are you Wearing Today" thread, and it has given me quite a few ideas. Again, thank you very much!
Hello all! I'm fairly new to the Lounge, and this is my first thread. I was wondering if any of you could help me with something?
I'm 17 now, and I would really love to start dressing vintage. But I honestly have no clue where to begin; that's where I'm hoping you will all come in, for I'm...
I do not dress vintage yet, either. I'm 17, but like you, older people seem to be 'attracted' to me. I think it's the general politeness, smiles, and being able to speak to them without shrugging or looking uncomfortable.
I love hearing their stories and constantly badger both of my...
I think they do, don't they? I honestly am unsure, but I remember always breaking them when I was little. And we had carpet, so I do not even know how I managed that!
I believe the question is how much taller of a woman would you feel comfortable with. I would be perfectly comfortable being with a woman an inch taller than me, but if she were half a foot taller than me, I don't really think I would like that...
Hello! Well, I am really not to great at all this, but I'll give it a shot!
I'm seventeen years-old and have always had a bit of an obsession with the past. I mean always. I once asked my mother why my father didn't where a suit to work, because that's what I thought he was suppose to wear...
I've seen collections of floor-plans for the Sears designed homes.
Maybe you could find your mom's :)
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