Mr Portly and Mr Carter have said it already...
...and I'll have to add that I agree with Mr Spitfire's idea on the shade of red.
He's right on from this old Irishman's perspective. You just have to try it. As an aside...while I like your new avatar I absolutely loved the old one with the...
GWD you can put yourself out of all this misery...
...if you go ahead and face the fact that you'll never work out the trade you want and instead sell me that moth eaten Strato. $50 bucks if you dust it and throw in the two pins to boot. I'm old and won't be embarrassed by wearing the silly...
I think the Stratoliner, Boeing 307, has 4 engines
Sir: Many of us think the Stratoliner is the swoopy looking flying machine often pictured in my avatar. The DC-3 mentioned in another post is, I think, an example of a twin engine aircraft.
My experience was the same as Widebrimm
Back in the old days some dept. stores had the x-ray machine accessible and where kids like me could play with it. Woo wee.
As several others already said I use shoe horns fairly often.
Mr Douglas - Skinny, poop, etc.?
Mr Race asked this already but I'm throwing my hat in the ring also...could you please provide a poop sheet on that double throw-back jacket?
Well...did you make the round trip or...
:offtopic: ...did you make the return leg with the Minus on a rollback, your date squashed between yourself and the greasy, snaggled toothed, coverall clad lorry driver?
Chunky tyres, indeed. No dog can pass bye the IIa without hiking his leg up on...
Morris Minor!
:offtopic: Oh gees True Blue, you are taking a woman on a first date an hour's ride in a Morris! Think about what ye are doing man; consider antiquated Lucas and SU/Solex. Think about the impression you will leave on the woman when/if the Minor lays down on you...
Thanks for the work Mr Jordan
I do like that light grey suit although I'd likely pass on the blue winos. In the first image, along with the blue pinstripe we have a brown homburg with a sort of Michael Collins bash? Brown suede shoes? Looks good.
Your Whippet is really a looker
If you don't mind me asking how much did you have to stretch this one, one size? I keep eyeing some of Mr Phi's 7's with the idea in mind of stretching one to 7-1/8.
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