But if the guy has learned to put his message over subtly and indirectly - to make it sound like anything but "noise" - he can hold people's attention for much longer. Maybe even longer than people are conscious of. Intellectual sloth and dishonesty, cautiously encouraged, cleverly couched and...
Dagnabit, it's women in the workplace! They started all this with their dagnabbed jacked-up internal thermometers! (*whiney falsetto* Waaa iiit's so freeeezing in heeere!) lol lol lol
"Outmoded Pentagon bureaucratic regulations" my eye. The male brass weren't about to recognize women's experience or fitness to lead, because the way they (and a lot of younger men) were brought up, trained, and educated, war and manhood are so tightly bound up together that nothing can pull...
I actually wore Tingleys, or maybe they were Totes, as a young insurance trainee about 1990. Hated the g/d things because of what they did to a shoe shine.
Trimmer might be more modern in Japan. In the West it's anything but. Here "modern fit" means an outerwear fit - slack thru the waist, droopy shoulders and bloopy sleeves. Something you can layer under, as opposed to the classic A-2 cut, meant to be worn over nothing more than a service shirt...
I'd eat horse. Why not? I wear horse.
My parents encountered a good bit of steak à cheval when doing France on $5 a day in the 60s. They said it was delicious, tho a touch more gamey than beef. More towards venison.
Not quite so sound-alike before the swing era, when dance bands were better known for their styles than their soloists or hit records (not one record sold a million between 1927-'42.)
Yup! Exactly.
BTW, the Humeniak orchestra is using a baritone saxophone as bass line. Not quite Old World, but it works.
...an introduction many radio listeners understood as a complete sentence. lol
A wise choice. Layer under a G-1 and you have warmth, water and wind resistance, and freedom of movement!
Do you latch your collar? I do when I don't have too many turtlenecks or scarves.
Jackets of the G-1 family vary widely in cut, but most are vee shaped to some degree. Unless you're built to Naval Aviation specs, you may have some fit issues.
That is, if you believe in essential psychology anyway, natural. Defending something so abstract as a vast military-industrial nation requires you to cultivate those instincts in less natural ways - such as replacing threat with command.
That is a risky bit of revelation sir - at least among us Yanks. The intersection of high-end suit and jacket customers over here is a virtual empty set. To us the garments represent not just styles but entire subcultures - ones that don't get along too easily.
Hmmm. Might be more appropriate to those who would traditionally wear pants, or maybe those who do but aren't flattered by them. Not those who are (pace Oscar Hammerstein) broad where a broad should be broad.
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