You can tell we're all Old School shooters by our choice of Caliber. I've never really sold out to the 9mm fad but I do want a BHP. The smartest thing I did was the extended Beaver Tail. No more hammer bites but now it won't fit my WWII vintage hip holster. Bummer is ammo is crazy now 16.00 just...
.74 Even though you hate it you eat SPAM (yeech !) because it's the only real WWII food you can still buy.
.75 You would rather own an M-1 Carbine than a M-4.
I've met Walter Years ago at the Pomona Gunshow. What a humble nice guy he was signing Autographs at a table. I asked if he charged for the signings and I remembered his suprised annoyed look. No he said as he signed a photo for me (I still have it). He was genuinely suprised when I told him...
Funny thing about this subject is more soldiers sought "Tanker Jackets" than Tankers seeking A-2s. It was popular with AB troops believe or not. Shermans were known as "Ronsons" after the Cig lighters.
I think the Movie just reflected the times it was made. For instance Psy-Ops, Odd Balls Tank with Loud Speakers. I'm sure they had some type of Psy-Ops back then but it was more of a Korean / Viet-Nam thing.
Years ago I've read or heard that the Brits have always used their Commonwealth troops as "Cannon Fodder". This was alluded to in the movie "Golopolli.
Listening to Bob Willis and his Texas Playboys. My Pop was a big CW fan so I grew up with Bob he was also a Big Jim Reeves fan. My Pop learn to play Guitar while studying Gene Autrys finger work in his Movies. Country Music was popular in the pre-war Dutch Indies.
Santeria is something creepy ! My next door neighbors Uncle practiced that. He told me his Uncle had a closet full of lit candles and stuff. Speaking of parking here in OC (Over Crowded) it has really gotten crazy. Every house on my street has a least 4 cars. One Trash Day I noticed my trash was...
Battleground was a great movie saw as a kid and have it on DVD. My friend and I always laughed at the cornball language. There is a lot of "Swell", "Gee Whiz" and my favorite "See" (" I ain't taking the rap See !). My friends Father informed us that is how they did talk. In an interview I read...
There's a book I've been wanting to buy called "Least Wanted" by Mark Michaelson. It IS creepy, something about criminals long dead give me the williies.
I agree with Feraud, I see lawsuits. Remember that was a different time. There was no OSHA, Paint Buckets with Child Drowning warning signs. It seems back then people weren't thought of as idiots. There was also a lot of PERSONAL Responsibilities back then. I won't even get into crime. They had...
Stoddard Valley by Bell Mountain ? My one time secret shooting spot was off of Main St. Barstow. I heard it closed off now, they put up street signs in my old hunting grounds. I need a new spot anyone down here know a spot ?
Norinco were good guns I wish I could have snagged one before the Ban. I worked with a guy who taught Tactical Handgun and they all used Norincos. They had used the frame to build their guns on.
Only 7.00 ?!! Try here in Ca 20.00 through the door (Parking & Admission). For a bunch of PC crap nobody wants to buy. The only thing I go for is the Misc stuff I don't want to pay 10.00 shipping for. The shows here are getting smaller and smaller. It is mostly Antiques and Political booths now.
Unfortunately .45 ACP is getting hard to get. Even Wolf ammo is getting hard.
For those lucky enough to own a Thompson I hear Wolf is hard on the extractor. Buy extractors while you still can ! I heard the same is true for the Carbines.
I have 2 original WWII ABN Liners I bought years ago when they were cheap. They are pretty ratty suspension wise. I thought about refurbing them but want to leave it in its original state. Lucky for me the "A" straps are in very good condition. The first helmet appears to have a cloth OD liner...
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