vintage crochet patterns are not for the beginner. it seems like they leave stuff out, and word things difficutly.
so you're not alone. i made a snood last week and i got to this one part and sat for almost an hour thinking and re-thinking this one line. it just didn't make sense at all. so...
saw the commercial for this during the superbowl last night. can't wait to see it. rene's hats are to die for!
you can see a trailer here
i'm not a hat buyer so i'm really amazed at that price. while the hat is fabulous...why is the price at $800?!?!
I thought hats on ebay were selling for $100 or less?
joann fabrics has a wool yarn that is washable. and it's soft. i forget the name of it. debbie mum or lionbrand. can't remember. oh wait, i think it's moda dea (sp?). it's expenive though at i think $7 a small skein. but i'm sure it goes on sale and you can always use your coupons.
i don't think that thread is a good way to learn. it's too detailed of work and very tiny stitches.
if you go back in this thread, i wrote a few posts about ideas for beginners.
don't have any pictures, but about 7 years ago, i went to an estate sale. i went in the VERY dirty basement and was looking around. found an old box full of letters. i was looking thru them, getting very dirty, looking for wartime letters. didn't find any but at the very bottom of the box was an...
I've been considering making these and selling them. I'm a poor stay at home mom and I miss having a paycheck.
I have no clue what to charge for them though.
thanks :)
I've been wanting to make this for a few years. It's been in my favorites list forever but it always intimidated me because it's not a beginner piece. But I bit the bullet last week because hubby was out of town so I sat down and just did it. I took my time with it because I was scared. So it...
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