Although you may find linings interesting...
As far as I have it, in the 30s and earlier jackets were generally lined with satin, made from silk. But in WWII, most of the silk was diverted to the military for parachutes, etc. Enter Rayon Acetate. :) Rayon is technically a man-made, but...
I think health education and sex education are (or should be) very different. I think health education should be available to all, but sex education is a little more personal.
I think part of the problem at the moment is that we (in the gross general plural) moved between two extremes of...
I agree that's a problem with the parents, not just the school. I know a lot of people who are teachers who have real issues with parents expecting schools to raise kids. In fact, I know people who have quit teaching because of comments like:
"Why is my son failing???" "He won't do the...
Well, there's lots of things on this list I've never heard of, or have heard of but not seen, but I think that's because I'm not American. :) Much as I love Studebakers, you don't see them here much outside of shows.
Of the things listed, I have owned, or had at home, the following:
Exactly. I kept my daughter with me almost 24-7 as a baby (although that was maybe not a good thing for either of us). When she turned 2 I put her in a home-based daycare with 4 other kids. Now she is 3 and 1/2, and I'm looking to put her in a daycare centre because she's just getting too big...
Goodness, wait one second... my dad has one just like that! I didn't think it was that old. I must have a closer look...
Great photographs by the way, Matt. :) You look awfully handsome in them.
I think it's too easy to generalise as "male = breadwinner, female = nurturer". The most nurturing parent should stay home, and the one with the most qualifications/best salary/most enjoyable job should work, regardless of gender. I'd go stir crazy stuck at home all the time, and so, for that...
My name is relatively modern - my mother picked it from Colleen McCullough's novel "The Thorn Birds".
I'd like a vintagey name like Joy (my middle name, & my Nana's name) or Charlotte, Virginia, or Adelaide, but I'm sure I would have been a Betty. :p
My "movie star name" would have been...
While I think that 2 parent families plus extended family help is the ideal way to raise kids, I have to admit that I'm kind of reluctant to give up my freedom in a hurry - I'll actually be financially worse off with a working partner than I am by myself. Maybe if the right guy comes along...
Maybe where you are... :p Over here they have hard plastic armrests and no leg room. You have to sit up like a paranoid debutante or the corners dig into your ribs or elbows. Plus, the curve of the seat is at the wrong height, and my neck cricks (but that may just be me at 5' 4").
Perhaps it's just me, but the gentleman certainly looks pleased about something. I'd like to assume that that smile of boyish anticipation is because he's just about to start his beautiful brand new car for the first time! :)
(Also, I think his trousers and coat look too wide at the cuff to...
I am a full-time single parent, and full-time student. Busy!
I was studying Law with a second major in Political Science, with an eye to International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and the Law of Combat, but found part-way through that the on-campus hours required (research, etc.) were more than my...
I'm quite fortunate in living in a country where steak, mashed potato, peas, corn, etc., is an everyday meal, although processed and international foods are certainly available. Steak is a little expensive for my budget though...
My family, living in Scotland & Wales during the Depression...
I agree completely. I used to work in a cinema (at that time a 4-screen multiplex), and even those of us who tried to enhance the movie-going experience were limited by rules and regulations laid down by management. We weren't allowed to perform services like that, because they "wasted time"...
I'm not into debating this either, but would like to briefly mention that three differences between fur and leather are:
1) Fur is usually an end-product; leather is usually a by-product.
2) Cows are in no danger of being hunted to extinction.
3) Many countries that farm fur apparently...
My personal favourites:
Gene Tierney -
Olivia de Havilland
Vivien Leigh - ever since I was about 9, and had never heard of GWTW, but had a notepad with a pic of her on.
Ann Sothern
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