Well, I have affordable housing... that's 50 years old.
I have car parks... even if they are a few blocks away.
I don't drive across town to shop... I walk or bus.
Most of the above just sound like laziness to me. Laziness and apathy are horrible things. It means that the only...
Specifically, I was referring to the fact that, locally at least, I get funny looks for dressing up at all. It doesn't matter if the dress is 1945 or 2005; if the hair is up and makeup on, Notice Is Taken, and it's not always good.
Bear in mind that I live in an area where men will "dress...
That's true, but of 100% of anything built in one year, we can hypothesise that 60% will be mediocre, 20% will be built with the intention of becoming obsolete and being demolished, 10% will be interesting and yet not amazing, and 10% will be of architectural, civic, or eventually historical...
Well, patch or no patch, the suit looks great. :)
Er, that is, you look good too. I mean, I didn't mean to imply that the suit looks good and you don't. Um... okay, I'll quit while I'm ahead. :p
- Gentlemen, avert your eyes! ;) -
Does anyone know of sites or businesses that provide "unusual" sizes for vintage style foundation garments?
I'm specifically talking about bras. Modern ones just don't look right, but I've not yet been able to find anywhere that repro's vintage bra...
I'd love some tips on modern (read: Victorian onward) corsetry. The only corsets I've ever made date to 1520 and 1580... Corded and steel-boned, respectively.
I need to find some australasian sources for good foundations. Int'l postage can be crippling. :rolleyes: As a lady of, er...
I usually get straitforward diminutives, like "Meg" or "Meggie". Mum used to call me Emmeline, after the A.A. Milne poem "Emmeline Whose Hands Weren't Clean". So I get called Em by my family, occasionally EmJay for my initials.
Members of a club I'm in refer to me as "The Draconian VP"...
I would, but I seem to have an odd talent for Not Being In The Photo. Usually it's not even intentional! :) You may notice I don't even have an Avatar yet...
Yes, I know what you mean... Impossible to find, let alone afford. [huh]
I agree totally with everyone's comments on the...
This drives me mad. :rage:
Especially because I live in a country whose industrialised (and thus modern architectural) history only goes back 180 years. We have so little history to preserve; you'd think we could manage it!
Most recent local protests have been a nearby church selling...
I found this post under "Attire & Accoutrements":
We have a variety of people here - different countries, ages, looks, and so on. What kind of reactions do you usually get when you step out in vintage gear in your area?
I mean, over the years, I have been seen in NZ city streets wearing...
Well, model 101 is "Knots & Rectangles". I wonder if that's yours.
Since I can't figure out how to post pictures on this thing, this is a link to a pic of Model 101. Does it look like yours?
This is the Egyptian I was talking about, and there are other decals and dates here.
I just...
Do you have any URLs or books to recommend? Or is this just "absorbed" information? :)
What you said sounded interesting, and I'd love to know more...
It's true, looking like your grandfather (or grandmother) is no problem if you have confidence, maturity, and an eye for style. Then...
Well, I'm a jump blues gal, primarily, but I love most music of the period. :) I'm a singer, not a dancer, so I prefer character pieces, or the fast, loud, jumping stuff that I can really get my teeth into. I'm not a purist; I value both original and retro-revival for their own sakes and...
I think "good" is in the eye of the beholder. :)
Also, there is a difference between the extreme "stage" zoots (like that pic of Cab posted earlier), a very fashionable zoot (similar to the fancier ones people can buy today), a "standard" zoot (less drape, the kind a well-off and trendy cat...
Mmm... I like Zoot suits for many reasons. :D One of which is that I'm very into researching WWII and the Jazz & Big Band eras as experienced by the "underclasses" - immigrants of all stripes (from Irish/Jewish/Polish/other Europeans to the Hispanics/Mexicans) or other native peoples, in the...
That's funny, because the main reason so many boys (and men) *still* choose zoots for proms/weddings/etc. - and I'm talking zoots, not those awful tacky polyester "zoot tuxes" that don't drape right - is because they just look and feel so damned good in them! :)
I think that almost anyone...
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