Let me premise this by saying I don't and never have owned a truck, van or SUV and never will. For gentle folks who revere the bygone eras for their oppulance and luxury please realize that back in the 1930s no one could justify the expense of the Pierce-Arrow if they had to. How could a...
I saw this too. Kick ball, dodge ball and any "ball" games are being banned. Now the kids can't even play tag even with no equipment manufacture to sue.
If the kids just stand around in the yard and stare at each other at least they're being conditioned for their future time behind bars "in...
Beside the just plain ignorance quotent of people rising these days they also simply have been conditioned by repeated media floggings to "don't get involved, lock your doors and windows, don't give out personal information," and so on to infinity.
We've become a society of wary worry...
I believe everyone should own what they want to. It went past "need" a long time ago in the US. Do you "need" a house that big? Does it need central air? Do you "need" a collection of antique watches or cars or bustles or nose rings? No it's not the point whether your antique cameo...
This is Xena
Her uncle, Morrison is down from 18 1/2 lbs to only 17!
His brother Hendrix is MIA
And our beloved Oso hasn't been replaced since his death in 1994
If you're applying for a tatoo artist job and you have un-illustrated lily perfect skin they'd wonder how serious you took tats wouldn't they? Can't show up to a job interview in the corporate world looking like Larry the Cable Guy either, no matter how many degrees and experience you have...
My DSL company's browser piggybacks off of IE and it works so I'm not about to screw with it. Having had PCs since 1989 before Windows I learned one good thing about computers- If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Hey Arrowcollar guy that's the reason I like it here. There are people here that share knowledge without talking down to you in that internet-wide smart-assed, know-it-all swaggering manner. I like it here cause there is no forum for the politically retarded who weave into every thread some...
Also some folks here might get ticked if other Loungers consistantly beat them at an auction on something. If you see something you want and the end time draws near why blab about it so others can come in and steal it from you?
Protecting your family is a given. I can tell you that anyone in combat only truly cares about protecting his buddies and keeping them alive as they do for him. As strange as it may sound you mostly care nothing for your self.
The first colorized flicks were awful. The color blurred outside the object when they moved like ghosts and the deadness was terrible. The computers have made it much better. I saw King Kong colorized that actually looks like a vintage color movie. Tones were soft yet not dead. It still...
I've got lots more than 15 posts and the program won't allow me to attach photos either. It acts like its loading then says it didn't. I visit another non-related forum with the exact same message board and it works so I know it should here, but there is a glitch.
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