While most of us can wear any nice and neat combo of clothing and land a job make note there are some high powered compaines that have an unwritten dress code for the upper echelon. You may be told that only dark colors are appropriate when interacting with your client base. No colored shirts-...
Besides Ward and June the Andersons of Father Knows Best are right up there. The only thing on today exhibiting longevity is Homer and Marge. And perhaps they are the parodies of today's parents that are closer to reality than any others.:) :eusa_doh:
Recently saw 1971 Silent Running on DVD. At least bruce Dern is still around and the director Douglas Trumbull too. They offered a nice commentary for the 2002 re-release DVD. Had either not been alive to offer insights it would have diluted any special feature aspect for sure.
I can see that movie production costs like everything else from gasoline to houses has escalated into the stratoshpere. A lush, extravagant epic like Cleopatra was made in 1963 for 1 million bucks. Yeah well a Jag XKE was $6000 then too with 14¢ gas. The reincarnated XK runs like 80 grand...
Saw it this weekend. The local cinema complex was using 2 of their shoebox theaters to run it and the viewing I attended was 3/4th full...200? people. Too many dumbazzed parents with little kiddies though. This ain't no Sponge Bob romp of fantasy folks!
But fantasy it is in some sense...
Pigeon Toe- all those French pre-war classics are works of art on wheels done by the master French body stylists. Many can be seen at Pebble Beach Concours and high end classic events like that. Most of the cars were in pretty sorry shape after the war lucky to survive at all. Most now have...
If we peruse the vintage photos we can see that all classes of folks wore what they had. Obviously most hats started out new but got worn some with daily use. You'll see lots of guys even without suits and ties wearing all configurations.
That's the beauty of it. I'd want to wear one of...
I see versions of that 1st one all the time in the summer out here at the vintage car events along with Panamas and Planters straws.:) They're still in use.
I recently score a black Royal Stetson with a narrower brim for about the same price. It is obvious it has never been worn either. All you gotta do is be patient and you'll find what you want for the price you want.;)
And if anyone is heavy into games you can built yourself a battle chair from an office chair with the speakers embedded so you can FEEL the bass of sound effects and the stereo of it up near the head.
As I've mentioned THIS is the quintessential documentary on aerial combat. Even though I've interviewed some of the same guys they've had on the CGI assists in the telling of the tale like moving pilot hands can't.:) There were some giants back then!
It may have been Leonard Maltin who ran a segment a long while ago on how the movies are butchered up. No only do they edit in a devil may care way but they even speed up sequences to get them to fit time allotments and shorten them. He showed 2 clips and one out-sped the others by several...
So many. Fortunately our local UHF channel runs nothing but classic shows, Combat, Hawaii Five-O, Mayberry RFD and all the rest.:) I'd like them to run Hogan's Heros again though.
Every generation has always believed they were at the top of the heap in accrued knowledge which surpassed their predecessors'. So it's simple human nature to think it's all about US and NOW.
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