I do most of the cooking around here. Guess my most famous dish is sukiyaki. A Japanese friend taught me how to make it decades ago- part of the secret is beer and sugar!;)
Hey forget the materials. The danged DIRT you want to build on costs up the gege! You could torch you domicile and collect more that the structure is worth due the cost of the lot alone.:eusa_doh:
I'll take it one step further and mention how retarded the whole internet is when it comes to search engine taxonomy. As much as they have improved they are still lame.
The software that drives Ebay's searches is the same as Google or Yahoo's in that a program can't out think us. They throw...
Reepleat I was responding to Vladimir's mention of domestic servants 100 years ago and pointing out that in many parts of the world there are still many today. India, Asia. Africa, Latin America all have a pool of folks willing to do domestic work due to the disparity of those area's wealth...
Yeah Panamag8or I like the old commercials with the original people. Nothing wrong with seeing the real Colonel Sanders footage spliced into a modern commercial. The old Coke commercials were good ones. Since the product is the same it is realtively timeless.
Therer was even a special with...
We'll just have to see how it turns out. One thing for certain is that the Sci-Fi Channel has the capacity to produce decent product beyond the corny stuff they come up with. The Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantic along with Battlesta Gallactica are proof that they have the ability.
If you go to Mexico and other Central and South America Latin countries you will still find rural young women that will take domestic jobs in the big cities for families. Most of these families are not rich by any means but they can afford a person to help them around the house due to the...
Saw that commercial last night. Previously they had run footage of the real Reddenbacker from old commercials in the new ads but I guess that wasn't enough for them.:eusa_doh:
An real antique mall very well could/would have procured items from estate sales ans such so in a specialized place like that it may not be impossible that they would appear for sale. It's no less stange than finding an antique carpet beater there...[huh]
Ok,ok. My dumb question was about where do you wear a fez in public in the US or a non-fez country besdes a Masonic function. Hey I can get by going about in a fedora with no comments or stares, but a fez?:eusa_doh:
Part of the problem is that back then craftsmen made things like furniture instead of that Ikea crap out of pressed sawdust that you assemble yourself. They built radios and later TVs in limited production quantities with lots of hand work.
In the post WW 2 times the Marshall Plan rebuilt...
Back in the 1970s there were many WW II era non-firing copies that had all the functions and ability to disassemble exactly like the real ones but they could not fire or chamber any round. Haven't seen a Webley clone since then.
Not certain how that can work since the "blank" has always been...
Look at that will you. His girl gets him a new camera and he takes pics of his old hats and his own ugly puss.lol You should take some of you lovely girl.:)
Old roadsters of all types are escallating in value rapidly. Anyone desiring such should act NOW before they get out of sight in price. As it is you can expect to spend $25-30,000 to get a decent one.
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