My stereotypical look with a fedora, in my mind's-eye, anyway, is much similar to the guy up there in the circle. Jaw of granite, clean-shaven, sharp aquiline nose, a visage that says tough and resolute.
In reality, I wear an imperial (goatee), and I believe I look pretty decent. My wife...
I haven't had a Hoyo or Excalibur in ages, I see people smoking them all the time around here lately, though.
I haven't had the Casablanca, either. Lately Ive become a fan of smaller vitolas for the most part.
This week, so far, it's been a Los Blancos with the Sumatra wrapper. I first...
I will raise your hopes a bit. My children's school teaches them to tell time with a mechanical/analog clock.
I like watches, but don't often wear one, as they tend to pull at my voluminous wrist hair, 1. Secondly, I stopped when I was playing music at Mass because a Mass shouldn't be a timed...
Don't y'all mean we should be overrun with LOUISIANA hats? Nutria are from here, actually brought here for their fur. Then the fur and trapping business basically went Tango Uniform. Fine fedoras out of nutria would be one way to get rid of the overpopulated boogers. Or, as the Cajuns out in...
Pilgrim, I'm right there with you, well, except for the Western. Substitue Western for a cotton bucket and we're good. I wear those buckets for dirty work, and just fooling around going somewhere dirty, like Lowe's or Home Depot.
I added a bit about wanting my children to see things like this along with Historic Route 66, and the explosion of car culture in the early and mid 20th century.
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