Hahaha! I guess so Scot.
While the concept of applying today's morals, values, perceptions on any past historical event and revising it to be clear by current standards sounds interesting it is bewildering. Firstly when we peer back we have magic knowledge simply because we know how things...
Scot, Bellytank- once you get high blood pressure the meds they give you will stop that irregular stuff forever. I'd get that occassionally and once high BP diagnosed and meds controll it mo more funny beats. And I you probably will get high BP sooner or later as a fact of life[huh]
We got this from Netflix not really knowing the synopsis. It wan't bad. It was more surreal than sci-fi if that makes sense. It was certainly a theme everyone could identify with.
Yes, we are the same- people with similar desires, loves, hates, hopes, and asperations. We'll hear someone damning the use of A-bombs but not consider that the situation and feeling of the country and military personnel is exactly the same! "Get this over with now, bring our guys home!"...
If they gave you what I take, Atenolol, you'll be fine. It calm the heart right down....and I'm thankful.
Hey the emoticons took over up there it's A-t-e-n-o-l-o-l
Flivver- The ease of entry and exit in an auto is important to me at least- 6' 225 lbs. For anyone bigger you must realize that a 2-door has wider doors than a 4-door. Most 4 door cars make me scrunch my knee, foot and leg in before I can close the door and schooch around to get comfy...
Hey Ecuador what number I-boat was he on? Did he say? They had an interesting variety of boats besides attack subs. There were a lot of huge supply subs and a few big I-boats that had seaplanes in special sealed containers.
Check out this site for more info than you can imagine...
How'd you like to be Boris Yeltsin's valet trying to get him up and ready for an event after he'd been on a 3 day drunk....the smells....the sights....Gah!:eek:
With restoration so prohibitively expensive- The Galcier Girl under the Greenland ice took over $7 million- it might be interesting to simply preserve it "as is" for the ghostly aesthetic it would provide.
I have another wacky idea about clothing. We today talk about how many of us feel disgusted that people dress down taking casual to the extreme and long for the days when folks all dressed up most of the time....except that was never.
We will find more era photos of fedoras on the heads of...
Include some roll on the floor comedies like the 3 Stooges, W.C. Fields, Marx Bros. etc. cause they'll need 'em. We've already lost most of our sense of humor and in 100 years it'll be a suppressed memory like Mr. Spock showing emotion.:p
The reason they used silk scarves was for comfort in the cockpit. The scarves protected the neck from the wooly flight suit collars. Pilots were taught to "rubberneck" constantly so they aren't surprised by the enemy. Without those scarves a neck would be bleeding in an hour.
My Dad
If you look at my avatar of Howard Hughes you'll see a casual look that can be duplicated and is not screaming "antique geek!" He's got slacks on probably gray but tan chinos would be fine. He wears a dress-type shirt with no tie but with a tie he would look good too. The jacket is a waist...
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