I've been bothered by the way people peceive the WW II era in our history.
As many of you know I have interviewed military veterans especially fighter aces and written many an article on air combat.
Today I see folks seemingly thinking of WW II as almost ancient, perhaps they way I perceive...
If I don't buy goodies from China this year I'm going to do what kids do when they are broke. They make an IOU like for raking the yard, washing Dad's car, babysitting their sibling free and stuff like that.:)
Ok, Devil's Advocate- if regular newspapers are in some way doomed to exctintion what about rags like the Enquirer, the Globe and all the trash-news papers? Much of their content could be web posted.
Re: the fez and pith helmet- all of you imagine your shared disgust for ball caps and picturing seeing fezs and pith helmets instead- Dorkarama!! And I don't mean India and Moracco where you can pass with them. I mean in any European country or the US.
As noted on Shriners and mailmen in...
I worked for a clothier in the 1970s and assisted the buyer. Look EVERY article of clothing they bought was calculated on their buying a spread of sizes that covered the spectrum of customers.
This went for suits, shirts, slacks, sweaters, jackets- everything.
The vast majority was...
Geez, just let me see National Lampoon Christmas with Chevy Chase. I laugh till I can't breathe each year especially when he beats the crap out of the Santa display when he can't get the lights to work.lol
Well if 70% of men were 38r-42r all the smaller, taller, wider and heavier would comprise the remaining 30% each being a minority. Tall is one niche big and tall is another while big is different yet. Each is a smaller % when compared to the 38r-42r.
Distribution in the 50s on many brands was non-existant. St. Louis, the home of Busch of course had Budweiser and Busch. All else found in mainstream taverns and stores was Falstaff, Stag, Pabst and Schlitz.
We never heard of Coors. Saw Hamms catchy "from the land of sky blue water..."...
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