Had enough ?
Of course, Fedora needs a few more wins this season to become a bowler.
If he were to get Matt Cavanaugh on his staff he'd have an edge.
Go Slow !
Let it dry completely. I'd be reluctant to spray any of my hats with hair spray. :eek:
I think Scout makes a hat stiffener in spray form. Only as a last resort.
Don't freak out !!!
I believe that you should wear your Akubra in the rain. This is a chance to get it to naturally conform to your noggin by, as was rightly suggested, putting it on to finish its drying.
Don't freak out ! If they couldn't take the punishment Akubra would have bellied up years ago.
Enjoy ...
I laughed at the Aviation Ltd. bomber, too, but then it occurred to me that I don't have an Aviation Air Command jacket from any unit. It must be under the Department of Redundancy Department today, or the Natural Guard. ( See generally, Firesign Theatre).
Nor was I Duke of Earl
You are correct. Edward VII was not ever "Duke of Windsor." His funeral was held at Windsor and he is buried there. My keyboard made a mistake which I failed to catch.
It strikes me as odd that insults are being swapped over this matter.
Clearly we need for ties to be available in differing lengths to accommodate.
It does seem that King Edward VII, who popularized the Homburg and famously directed his valet to "bring me my Burberry," while Duke of...
Field Day, 2010
I referred to your post under Radio.
This is still a pretty big deal after 77 years.
Most of the clubs active this weekend will welcome guests, and it's common to put a guest on the air to say hello to another station. I reckon it's not mind-boggling stuff these days...
I have had good service directly from Dickies on the web. Their regular and trim cut work pants are just fine for my purposes. Sometimes there is a sale, sometimes free shipping, and - sometimes- both at once.
CQ Field Day
Foofoogal noted this under Events and was rebuked. It does belong here.
This is a vintage event going back to 1933. Particularly if f you have a shortwave radio that has sideband capability, or you can copy Morse code, you'll be amazed at the...
Do we need an Akubra Telethon ? Won't you help ?
Not at all. You'll be out in the western Carolina evenings before fall arrives. I guarantee. :cheers1: This is the only current color I don't have in the CD, or have on order. I must do something about that.
I feel strongly both ways.
Yes, my friend. I have six or seven various Akubras and I love them dearly, every one. They are the best deal out there.
Our friend with the question was specific as to the Roadmaster, which is the only Stetson I've bought new, and it gets to stay. In about a...
This, too :
:eek: Be sure to read the well-done, and fun, Was Napoleon Poisoned ?, written by Deborah Blum's husband, Peter Haugen.
It would obviously pay to be nice to these people.
Howdy & Stetson to You ...
I procured a Roadmaster from Bencraft hatters in NYC a few months ago and worked it a bit with a little steam and distilled water to loosen it up some more. This is a nice domepiece, and I think you'd be pleased with it. I'm keeping mine, for sure.
Check out this...
Hardy Boys
I grew up reading the modern Hardy Boys books, the ones with the blue covers. They were great fun, but the early books are better written. A friend of mine actually did a study of the many major differences between the earlier and later books of the same title which he published...
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