Endorsement !
My friends, I offer the highest encomiums for these inserts, or, as I more often say, "You can't beat 'em with a stick."
My hat is off to buler, and then back in its Samsonite house.
There are those of us who can delight in the quaint and curious volumes of forgotten lore: QST magazines pre-WWII, and the McGraw-Hill texts of Henney and Cooke, to say nothing of the immortal Bard, Frederick Emmons Terman.
Only a tiny minority of today's hams can lift the hood of a National...
I'm of three minds on this one.
The Golden Age of amateur radio arguably extended up into the 1970's when vacuum tubes were finally replaced by solid state devices in receiver circuits despite the superiority of the former in the front-end and mixer stages. (Check out the Collins radios of...
It should not be ...
I am obsolete because I believe in free, over-the-air radio and television. I also believe we were better served by the old seven-license rule. Up until the 1970's there was abundant competition and variety on AM radio. Now ?
I get nostalgic for antitrust laws.
No HD for me !
It is so easy to make AM radio sound good that it makes one feel that this partnership between government and a monopoly corporate interest is pure dirt evil. It makes for bad engineering, and more.
I have some experience, though, listening to DRM digital radio on shortwave...
Akura colors
SlyGI -
No question that you can carry a CD in silver belly. I am North European pale of face and have no qualm myself.
The moonstone looks just right.
Akubra colors
My response was not completely responsive.
I don't think either the Glen Grey or Silverbelly would be a disappointment for you.
I hope to switch primarily to a Camp Draft or Stetson Open Road in Silverbelly for the summer months.
Akubra colors
There are some excellent photos of Akubras on this site. The search engine is an essential tool. Find the Federation IV photos to get a good idea about Moonstone.
Also, I have used this as a quick reference :
I have a...
It is sad, too, that much of the early transmitting apparatus was not preserved. We have one Alexanderson alternator left, preserved thanks to the Swedes and their pride in their native son. I have pictures of the broadcast transmitter built by my grandfather in 1922, but the only...
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