Sure, but it'd be kind of ironic sending them all the way across the world back to where they came from. :p
The seller shipped them Today(yesterday in Australia I suppose), by Airmail, so they should be here by Mid-April.
I'll post updates as they become available, but if their estimate...
And, I was right. No labels. They do look a lot better than in the picture though, and they are most assuredly rayon(and have a nice sheen to them that isn't readily noticable in the picture as well).
As soon as they come in, I'll snap some pics of the labels if they have any.
The seller said that they came from a backroom in some place where they were originally made, so they may not have labels, but we'll see.
Sure, if anyone wants any of them I'm up for trades or selling them, my tie collection is pitifully lacking(other than this set of three dozen I've only got 6 vintage ties at the moment).
I agree, I've dealt with Nick before and it was a much better experience than I've ever had on Evil-bay.
I always try to sell to everyone here first, because I know that they would appreciate it much more than someone that might be looking for a piece to their Halloween costume and couldn't...
7:00 AM Get Up
7:01-7:13 Shower, brush teeth
7:13-7:15 Fix Hair
7:15-7:19 Get Dressed
7:20-7:30 lie back down in bed for ten minutes:p
7:30- leave and go to school(which is only 5 minutes away)
I hardly ever eat breakfast at home, I usually just throw something into my lunch...
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