Marc, there is one chapter on Mens I could scan- let me know where would be a good thread for it. :)
Miss Sis, they still have it available on Amazon, and I think the price is actually less than when I bought it a couple years ago.
Check out the rubber shoes for the beach
Coat fabrics
Different ways to wear a fur wrap
Umbrellas and Gloves
Shoes- check out the Kedettes
Here are some scans of this fantastic reference book. The author also has a Twenties book, but I haven't gotten it yet. I have placed the full size scans on my flickr site too
The book...
Thanks everyone for your input!
Some interesting research I have found from “Collectible Fashions of the Turbulent 1930s,” Ellie Laubner- this is a must have book if you don’t have it. I’ll make some scans and post :)
Fashion magazines encouraged readers to color coordinate their...
I just won these, hope they work out! Antique red panto CELLULOID sunglasses of the 20/30s
Also, I've got a pair of these too, that I got from a fellow lounger and they were too big for my face. Celluloid Sunglasses , ca 1920. If any one is interested, PM me :)
Aorta- here's my hair when it's not curled. Excuse the no-smile- I had taken these for my SIL to take to her hair stylist :)
I'd think you could do the fingerwaves the regular way. I have a hard time doing them to myself, but I can do them on others. Maybe have a friend help?
Great thread! Some of you- I can see a lot of resemblance- Audrey, MissHannah, zendy!
I don't think I look like either of my grandmothers, however, my mom and I look a lot alike
Paternal grandmother
Maternal grandmother
Me and Mom
I was at Vintage Martini on saturday and he had a red pair. My size, but I couldn't get it on- my foot's too wide. But they were sure cute! And a great price!
No, that's fine. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. I said reenacting, I shouldn't have assumed. It just seems like to me there would have been more "rules" about matching back then, but maybe I'm wrong. I'll take a look through my catalogs, but most of the pages are b/w.
Also I found the post...
What I'm really after is not so much how we do it now, but how they did it back in the day.
I'm thinking Miss 1929 had posted something in a thread, but I can't find it?
In my daily wardrobe, I try not to get too matchy-matchy. But when I do reenacting, I try to get as accurate as I can. In the past, I've mainly done black. Easy to match ;) But I've gotten a couple new hats, a red one, as well as a burgundy and a kelly green. So what's a girl to do?
Do you...
Edward, here are a couple of trivia items from imdb
As incredible as it may seem, the scene where John Dillinger walks into the Chicago Police station and talks to police officers is based in fact. Dillinger was so cocky and sure of himself that he often would stop and chat with policemen...
Great insights up196! Thanks
For those of you interested in the HD aspects of the film, HD Video Pro magazine has an interesting article of the behind the scenes filming.
Thanks ya'll! They usually go high, but I got it for $34 with shipping. I guess sales are really slow on ebay- except for the dresses in my size-lol. Lauren, if you set up a search, do umbrella and parasol because sellers use both terms. :)
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