Wow..that's vintage collecting 101:) Thanks for taking the time to share all that, Lauren. Your expertise and great sense of style really make this an invaluable reference.That is very generous.
It's too early in the morning for me to be albe to come up with any other than my very favourite, which was my first foreign film and still one i will watch again and again,"cinema Paradiso"I love it more than i can possibly say. mother used to have WILD card parties. Every friday night her friends would come over to play "Flinch". I don't know where my poor father went, out to drink i presume. But every friday night my sister and i would be swiftly marched off to bed right after dinner.But trust me, there...
i really only do if i am going out.luckily my hair is very wavy and kinda "kinks up" in all the right places, so i can get away with very little most days.Don't hate me.:D
lol yes, indeed.I have more than once given in to the urge to make a rash bid simply because an auction was over in 10 seconds..and then..oops, darn..there's that phone bill..:rolleyes:
Every now and then, i will get a pair of polyester PJs for a gift, so pretty, but can't sleep in them.I always end up tossing and turning and tugging for about half an hour, and then rip them off and end up stumbling around in the dark looking for something cottonlol
I still chew Beeman's:) We have a candy store here that sells all manner of oldtime goodies that you thought you would never see again.It is just down the street from where i work and it is a happy day when i find myself short on busfare and have to duck in to make change;)
Things like getting an orange in the toe of your stocking at Christmas and that cluster of grapes wrapped in foil..i miss the wonder of thinking those were exquisite presents.
lol Do mean that orangey stuff that you "painted" on?? We used to actually call that stuff paint.I have a horrible memory of playing at a friends house when i was about 9, and her Dad was doing some renovations outside of the house.There was some scaffolding set up and a big piece of wood fell...
I KNOW!! Look at it! It looks brand new! The starting bid was $50 and no one bid on it! Not ONE person!! They actually re-listed it and again, no takers.All i can think is that gorgeous thing will end up in the trash!:eek: :eek:
I have been waiting for the auction to be over to post this personal heartbreaker.I didn't even bid on this because i would have had to drive halfway accross the country to pick it up, and i just got a brand new(modern) stove less than 2 months ago, so absolutely no justification, but coulda had...
I saw the dvd set for sale somewhere recently and almost bought it..partly for the obvious reasons(fashion, 1920's..yadda yadda)but also just because of the maiden name is Elliott:) I will definitelt have another look.
Well, I'm with Lizzie..sure there are things about my present life that i am grateful for like modern medicine, and more freedoms and choices.And I have an adopted black son in an all white family which ,80 years ago, would not have been possible.But then again, there's a lot that would not have...
that's not a bad idea. I did notice the recommendation for knits, which is not what i want at all..I really want the original vintage pattern..whaaaa:(
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