Well, I was thinking in terms of trying to fix the only one I own, a 1929 Majestic. Too much for a beginner?
I used to know a guy in the military who said his first MOS (Military Occupational Skill) was a "computer", i.e. his job title was a "computer". He did clerical work that involved accounting of some sort.
Speaking of vintage adding machines, can you shed some light on this old Wales...
I mostly only browse antique shops because they usually want too much for their wares. However, I did find this several years ago in an antique shop that was marked 50% off. Like I said, I wouldn't have even considered it at full price. It's ceramic, not a genuine whale tooth. Not sure of...
That occurred to me, but you would have to buy them at today's prices and exchange them at yester-year's prices. It would work, but you would take a hit in the exchange rate, wouldn't you? But then again, I'm not factoring in the buying power of a dollar in the past compared to today, so maybe...
That's one of the dilemmas of time travel to the past - how do you buy all that stuff? You can't use currency from today, and your checks and credit cards would be worthless.
Went to visit Mom for a couple days. She loves to thrift-crawl, bless her heart, and so do I, so we spent an afternoon and visited 3. I picked up a leather bomber-style jacket for $15 and this wing-back chair. While not exactly "vintage", the tag indicates it was made in 1987, but I always...
I would spy on my family in the 20s. Great Grandparents (both sides) and were already dead, but paternal Grandpa was in his mid-40s and Dad and Mom were little kids. I never knew my maternal Grandparents, and only remember my paternal grandparents after they were elderly and Grandpa had long...
At first I thought you were talking about these. These are what I remember as a kid. I was relieved that it wasn't so. Nabisco Animal Crackers are still around:
I'm wondering how difficult it would be to learn to repair my old radio myself. I'm finding that the more I ask around, the more cost prohibitive it becomes to have someone do it for me. I got a flat-out rejection from The Radio Nut who's not far from me. He said he uses the Majestics like...
I did watch the entire movie (Raging Bull). To each his own, and although I still give it 3 out of 5 stars, I didn't come away with any respect for this guy at all. He may have been a good fighter, but as a person he was a total ar$e. I was appalled at the way he treated women and others who...
3 stinkers in a row, not even sure how a couple of them got in my Netflix que.
Landscapes in the Mist - Slooow, disconnected, art-house nonsense. I tortured myself to watch it to completion because I wanted to see what ultimately happened to the kids, who ran away from home (in Greece) to...
The contractor was a jerk. The only part I don't fault him for is for opening the boxes, that was just natural curiosity. Can any of us say we would have just set aside a couple locked boxes found hidden in a wall? He started out right by telling the owner about it. Sad to say, there are...
Well, yes. You forget that these are people who get violently indignant over the slightest provocation, real or imagined. Even puppies upset them. Besides, that's nothing new about being advised not to wear the uniform in certain places. I remember being advised (we were never actually...
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