thanks BD and SugarKitten :) You're both so sweet :) The dress says it's "Tiki shop" but I got it from a store in town so I don't really know where it's from...
SugarKitten your hair looks really good that length it really suits you ! Are you using pincurls or rollers? and do you have a...
My eyesight problems are a little bit ridiculous - I have astigmatism in both eyes, my left eye is mildly longsighted and my right eye is extremely short-sighted - needless to say my depth perception is laughable ! I wear glasses when I'm driving, at the movies or plays or when I attend lectures...
I think you also have to take into account the context and the way that anything is said to you. If the person in question says it in a condescending way or they have the nerve to pinch your cheek then by all means be offended but if you've managed to stun them into inarticulacy with your...
I don't know if it's because Perth is well..Perth but I've looked in the coles, woolies, chemist warehouse, wizard chemist, pharmacy 777, IGA etc. and so far have had no luck. So far the nivea is working well but I'll keep an eye out at chemist warehouse cause I'd like to do a comparison at some...
Hi so quick follow up :) I started using the nivea/olive oil cold cream on monday of last week and after a week and a half I have to say I'm really pleased! I've been using the cold cream and witch hazel both morning and night and then my usual exfoliator ( which is a dermalogica one) once a...
Unfortunately Perth is still basically a big Australian country town which means I rarely get commented on - just stared at. For some reason everyone seems to think it's more polite not to say anything - it's a bit like they're worried what I might do if provoked! At most people just say that...
So I went out and got the nivea cream today ( on special 300mls for $9 - woohoo!) and mixed it with extra virgin olive oil and a little bit of almond oil. Used it for the first time tonight and my face was a little um...waterproof? if not exactly greasy but I put on some witch hazel after and...
Thanks Flicka ! I'll definitely give that a try ! I guess people could mix in other oils etc. as well if they wanted a different scent - I think rosemary oil and lavender oil are supposed to be really good for soothing irritated skin and I know calendula oil has been discussed on this thread and...
Hi All :) I have now read this whole thread -phew ! I've been using witch hazel as a toner twice a day for a few months now and I have to say that I have seen a remarkable improvement in my skin tone - I have very oily skin and did have quite bad acne ( currently on antibiotics for that and...
zombi - thankyou so much ! that's really sweet :)
retro_GI_Jane - that's an amazing wave! at the moment I'm just pin-curling but I may have to invest in some rollers now! absolutely stunning !
haha not to be mean but we used to call those high school girls oompa loompas since their skin was orange and their peroxided hair went green in the pool at swimming !
top 3 - 1. Thinking that cutting off my fringe would be a good idea and ending up with a square hole in it when I was about 8.
2. Thinking that a deep pink blush would be great as an eyeshadow and making it look like I'd been punched in the face
3. Having long, straight hair with no fringe and...
Miss Golightly - I actually meant the Lisa Eldridge videos :)
I know exactly what you mean about it making a mask effect - I have freckles and if I put that much make-up on and completely obscured them it would look very fake and I definitely think there's a difficult line between making...
That's so crazy ! I discovered her not two days ago thanks to Lisa Freemont Pages and here she is again ! You're right though she has some wonderful tutorials !
So I bit the bullet and dyed my hair just before christmas but with all the rigmarole of christmas/new year etc. haven't found the time to be on recently so here are the pictures as promised - finally ! I went out the other night to a prohibition party and marcel waved it and made a faux bob but...
AdrianLvsRocky - I love that colour on you ! and to be honest I think that even if it does fade to a lighter colour ( as long as it's even) it would look great too. Also - can I just say that your eyebrows are perfection !
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