Seriously regards to the WORST decade it had to be the 70's. With apologies to the gentlemen who may have dressed like this..and I'm sure you were lovely..if i were coming of age in a day when men dressed like this, I'm positive i would still be single.
As the mother of a teenager who ,on occasion, will leave the house in those 'saggy-crotch-ed-pants" i chalk it up to sheer muscle control. How someone can walk down the street wearing pants that are least 5 sizes too big, sans belt, and not have them in a puddle about their ankles is raw talent...
thanks for sharing MisterCairo. Amazing photos and i really love your commentary. I always feel so privileged to look at a strangers family photos. private , intimate family moments out there for all the world to see.And shared in a way that none of these people could ever have imagined...
signed up for lindy classes a few years ago,and failed with a big, fat capital "F".I never thought of myself as having two left feet, but i just couldn't get it.Then i found out it was actually a class for advanced dancers. HA! i would love to try it again, but i have nightmares!
i think what...
Boy, do i need help. Just when i thought i was beginning to dig myself out of one financial hole along comes a few more. Summer school, lawyers bills, sports fees and now around the corner back to school for 2 x teenagers.I really have not bought anything for myself in ages anyway, so now i...
I have had days when i have longed for life in a time when things seemed simpler. Frankly, i try to not let myself wallow in an extreme state of nostalgia as it does me no good :). I try to remind myself that how i live my life is really in large part, within my control.I really do get...
Oh Boy! Do i love a good snack bar!We have at least two here that immediately come to mind. neither of them are pretty to look at , but the food is divine..i think next payday calls for one of johnny's burgers and a strawberry shake:)
and both are right in my neighbourhood!
I have never purchased anything from this website, but they send me their catalogues all the time. One of these days when i have a dime to spare i do plan on ordering something...
Me too!
Well, i haven't been around here for ages, but this must be the reason I decided to check in today. I need this. Already trying to pay off the debts i have and with more looming on the horizon (legal stuff that can't be avoided) it is tempting to go on a spending spree to (temporarily)...
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