Don't know about the pros and cons but when I used to drink I was rather partial to it, especially when you shake the bottle to turn it into slush. You need a cold glass though as it melts quickly.
According to mixologist extraordinaire and cocktail historian Robert Hess, who video-blogs at, one should never freeze their liquors. Why? Because historically a cocktail is composed of four ingredients: spirits of any kind, water, sugar, and bitters. The water component is usually going to be added through the dilution of ice while shaking/stirring the drink. If you freeze your liquor you will not have any dilution of your drink from the ice, and thus will be lacking a key ingredient to a balanced cocktail.
Why? Well, I'm not a doctor, but I think it has something to do with the fact that the below 32F liquid freezes the part of the stomach it's in contact with. Anyway, it sure hurt my stomach when I used to drink Vodka right from the freezer.
Anything liquids or foods above or below freezing can damage a persons stomach. Gulping down hot liquids, such as tea, can cause ulsers, and possibly stomach cancer. It may sound silly, but all liquids and foods should be ingested at room temperature. Hot coffee just wouldn't be the same though.
ok,ok..maybe there is something to it. But i hate hot food.i always cool everything down to room temperature, and i normally don't eat ice cream and stuff, but the Gin and Vodka??
Refrigeration of any kind will ruin absinthe, and other aniseed based spirits.
I wouldn't put anything quality spirit, other than Vermouth in a fridge.
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