They're learning from the package courier services.
Normally when I buy from overseas I'll go with surface mail, I'm not usually in a hurry. I'd say one time in five I'll get a letter from the revenue demanding import duty.
Sometimes if I need something in a hurry, or where the seller chooses...
Think they ended up in a role similar (scale allowing) to the Iowas in the USN.
Would have made a reassuring support platform for Naval Spetsnaz Ivan Ivanovich while storming up the beach.
Edit:- And come to think of it, probably would have been quite nasty if firing the other way. Which could...
Oh Dear... The relative lack of private motor vehicles would probably be the most obvious thing. After that, apart from fashion and the like, what is most politely termed a "parochial attitude" from the people would be the most culturally different.
Nobody from the UK should be in the slightest doubt what Black Friday is now. As we have it too, and we have had for "some years" according to the only reply I received to my E-mails questioning retailers why they had adopted the Transatlantic practice.
Prior to the Reagan era we didn't obsess, news wise, about happenings in the USA the way we have since. Something happened there, in the relationship between Reagan & Thatcher that changed things. Including the media.
I still get RTE at home and they do not carry the US presidential debates...
Here we have numerous companies selling phone service to the end user. But they're only making different deals on the rental of the local loop. The trunk network all belongs to BT.
I know, no big deal and no offence meant, it's just what your guide said is not really true.
Irish involvement in the world wars had little to do with a desire to aid Britain. Notwithstanding the fact that there might have been the odd Anglophile or old "UK Irish" family about. My grandfather...
I find it remarkable that you guys in the States can still use rotary phones. Exchanges here went tone-dial only round about the turn of the century.
You could connect a rotary (pulse dial)'phone okay and receive calls, but you could not make calls with it unless you had a separate device for...
Muh. I'd fundamentally disagree with that.
The Irish people, in crisis and otherwise tend to serve their own purpose (as they see it). Sometimes this coincides with the aims of the British, sometimes not.
This of course is more or less exactly how things should happen!
Also worth...
Were that to happen here, the injured party would quite possibly never have to work again, in any event, unless it was a really well paid job dismissal would be the least of her worries (in fact, if opposed and proved unfair she could up the ante again).
I think Europe might have overtaken...
I travelled half way round Europe on my own about 6/7 years ago. Many restaurants, cafes, bars, concert venues and rugby stadia were visited. Talked to people when I was in the mood, didn't when I wasnt. Never felt in the least awkward.
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