625 line is no problem at all, 405 though is tricky and/or expensive.
The Agile Modulator is new to me, not entirely sure what the sort of low power transmission we're allowed here, if any. But given the frequency allocation of the old 405 line service I imagine you'd have problems with...
Haven't played in years, bit long in the tooth and a tad rotund for it now, even as a prop. Still follow Ulster & Ireland particularly if they're playing in France or Italy :P
This is repro "vintage" Ulster shirt that comes out of the closet on occasion, apologies for the rough 'n' ready photo.
Ohh.. radios, gramophones, pressure lamps, heaters and stoves. Odd little things.
It's getting harder to find nice pieces in these parts, partially due to the simple advances of anno domini, climate also plays a part in this, Ireland is wet! The other factor is the popualrity of the vintage...
Here's the stove above just as it makes my old singing kettle boil. Truth be told it's a horrible, loud, smelly, leaky stove. Give me a brassy Primus every time, but that's not always what collecting is about, is it?
Please forgive the state of my long suffering bin and back wall, both much...
A few of my latest finds...
Chromed Bialaddin 310 pressure lamp. Restored to burning order.
A pair of 1950's Tilley pressure lamps. An X264 & an X264A (although their top "caps" are reveresed in this pic.) The one on the right, the older of the pair is back in burning condition, fitted with...
I believe the figure is circa £3500. Even if I had it it I'd think twice.
Flew on a B-17 nearly thirty years ago. That'll have to do.
Will see and photograph this pair though! Even if it costs me £3500!
1920's Fullotone. This was a London Company that made fairly good quality gramophones from third party parts.
A Decca Model 80. Overall my favourite machine that I own, quite late, probably early 1950's. Has auto start & auto brake, about as technically advanced as you get on a mechanical music player!
(Old disc though!)
Colombia 109A, dates from the early 1930's (I believe) but was in production for quite some time. I think the same model was marketed in the USA by a different company. A little too old for the 1950's disc presented.
I would be willing to bet that this is the last chance you will ever get to see two Lancasters in the air together.
No details yet, but whatever, wherever, I'll be there...
my No.4 mk.1. No *, No FTR. Fazakeley made, 1941.
I know the forend should be replaced but they've been together for 70 odd years and who am I to split them up?
When I refinished the the wood there was a stain on top just before the breech which came out purple and wouldn't be...
Mr. Dhermann has it pretty much correct.
It is an idealised (sorry, UK English spelling) of the time. There were less laudable things happening too, probably in at least equal measure.
It doesn't lie, it just doesn't show the whole truth.
Wonderful film!
I absolutely love the idea of properly developed google glass.
Despite never actually having laid eyes on the kit, I've been toying with the notion of an application for sports fans which would provide a real-time overlay of player names and relevant statistics while watching team sports...
Facial recognition almost pales into insignificance when set aside gait recognition.
This simply looks at the way an individual moves, apparently it's easily as "true" as a fingerprint, if not recognised as such in court.
Look at it like this. The second world war, '39-45, examine the...
Mafia 2. Post World War Two Gangland driver/shooter. A bit like a period GTA.
Only video game ever when I have been genuinely blind sided by the ending. I did not see it coming.
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