They might have mold deep in places where you can't see or get at. You've done the things my wife usually tries and that normally work. Even with cat pee on suitcases, which we've had, your routine should work. I'm thinking from some of the older 1940s suitcases my parents once had that there...
Daisy I have no fear of dentists or amalgm fillings. The dentist visits to me are relaxing. I know that sounds weird.
The grabber whether few or many cases of tainted dental work is the very idea that as consumers we do not know that some lab is really a storefront that has work done in...
Anything I have that was inherited has never given me a moment of strange feeling [huh] it takes something as big an complex as a car to have a personality good or bad for me:) Christine?:eusa_doh:
I have a high tolerance to dental pain for some reason, thankfully. I had my wisdom teeth out back in my 20s. I have amalgm fillings and have heard about the adverseness related to them. I know that with time any effect is neutralized.
I've had a non-metallic filling to match tooth color...
Pretty weird. Boy, WW I, the tedium of waiting and waiting then mass attacks with vast casualties. Can't imagine the stagnant deadlock that couldn't be broken. Later armor and air power changed that.
Lt. Col. Elwyn G. Righetti born San Luis Obispo CA 1915. Joined Air Corps 1939 completeed training Kelly Field San Antonio TX. Kept on as an instructor in 1940.
Took him till Oct. 1944 til he could wangle an combat assignment with 338th FS 55th FG.
Nov. 2nd shared Bf 109 kill. on...
They are actually serious about the day when they can reconstructs genomes and "build" extinct animals. History Channel had interesting program regarding the Jurassic Park idea as science instead of fiction.
Seems it will be logical to start with an Emu and work backwards to "turn on"...
We look at vacation visits to places with a different eye than as prospective permanent living locales. We've all said, "gee it's be great to live here." But when we delve into it, maybe not.
Truly, I like Southern California regardless of the expense. No place has better weather, theres...
Is anyone else enjoying this on History Channel friday nights? They follow the Enterprise through every battle of the war and use file footage with CGI and interviews from people that were there.
It's in the spirit of Dogfights, which won't be on this week for whatever reason. Anyone see...
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