lol lol
I make the same face. Why on earth is that the default face for putting on mascara? I too have noticed it doesn't help much, but yet I do it anyway. I am totally bewildered [huh]
I knew it until you said something, lol, now it flew out of my head!
I just wanted to post a really cute plaid skirtat JC Penny on sale for 20.00
This is cute, a split skirt for adventuring! Go Metrostyle!
We were actually commiserating over odd fits recently in the Ebay Fit Woes thread I am much the same as you, I am 36-32-42 pre-pregnancy. What the heck kind of proportions are those? The funny thing is, I don't look unbalanced, but I sure feel it when trying on clothes!
You said that beautifully. We both give 100% to the relationship everyday, as well. I am dedicated and devoted to this relationship, and I will do what ever hard work it requires (as will my hubby). I completely agree with your summary, beautifully worded.
What I meant were the...
Elaina, that happened with me and my hubby! Our age gap is only 4 years, though.
Sorry I am really late on this thread :)
We met in a bar and the music was very loud. He was gigging there that night, so he had to be 21 to play, so he used different fellow's ID. When I asked how old he...
I too, love pinstripes. When I was a kid, I called them "gangster" suits, and would make a "ratta-tat-tat" sound lol I kept asking my mom for a three-piece gangster suit, but I never did get one. I wonder why? [huh] :D
And just to be clear, Doran, by atheistic, you do mean rejecting any belief in gods, right? So, how would you be visibly that way? Unless you walk around with a sandwich board ;) :D
Sefton, grats to you! Yay for babies!
And yes, I am 13 1/2 weeks pregnant :D Yay! I hope my family...
There was a chap in high school whose mom designed a system for him. His clothes all had a symbol on the label and based on a sheet, he knew which symbols went well together. The sheet said things like "square goes well with triangle, rectangle, but never circle." It was a bit convoluted, but...
I am so sorry, Paddy. I cried a little with you. My childhood dog passed away 11 years ago, and I still cry when I talk about her. I am glad that you had an opportunity to have such a good friend.
Oh, for sure! There needs to be more than cold cuts, but it doesn't have to be elaborate.
We didn't have full blown dinner since my wedding was at 6:30 at night. I made sure my handful of guests knew to eat before coming (they were all close friends and family, no one was offended), and I...
Indeed :)
I just like to express my opinions sometimes, even if the aren't directed at anyone. I don't get many opportunities to freely be me in real life. There are only so many times my poor husband can hear me say the same things over and over lol I have a whole new audience with you...
Yikes! If you have that kind of money, more power to you! Of course, you have to make the decision - do you want to use credit? I personally wouldn't use credit for a wedding. It just makes it cost that much more because of the interest rates. Personally, if my parents had offered me 30k, I...
Tommy, be honest and upfront with your daughter so she knows how much you feel comfortable with. Weddings are a gift, not a requirement. You shouldn't feel obligated to spend more than you can afford.
Once she knows how much you are willing to contribute, she can then make a choice. She can...
TG, I am the same way. I get asked if I am high all the time. When I go outside, the sun hurts so bad that my eyes water all over the place. Drives me nuts!
Really? Wow! Cause right now, my pregnancy hormones are making my skin a mess. I swear, my face could help fill the oil shortage :mad: lol But this is also effecting other areas of my body. My shoulders and back look terrible :( ::mutters incoherently::
Oh, and a little OT, I wanted...
Thanks,Glue, I knew I could count on you :D I looked at Burt's Bees after doing some further extensive searching, and I think they sound like a good idea, too :) It's nice to have your opinion, as I find I really value your knowledge.
I also like that Burts Bees have baby products. They...
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