Well, I think the reactions you get is based more on the age of your commenters than you being in Los Angeles.
I live in LA and even though I don't go all-out vintage, the times I do get somewhat gussied up I don't get criticized for it...at least to my face. Well, OK, I had jury duty last...
I'm a big fan of dim sum. I was first introduced to it by my husband at a dump called the Grandview Gardens in L.A.'s Chinatown. The owners torched the place, so we moved on to the aforementioned Empress Pavilion, was generally unsatisfied with that, and then found a hole-in-the-wall joint...
Who (guys or gals) would be able to 'live' ...'the life' of an era (ie: 30's/40's/50's) like this girl has, for a whole year?
Not I. As much as I like some aspects of the "good old days" I couldn't go back. :) But I'll answer these questions because I'd rather do this than sift through my...
For whatever it's worth, I prefer "Ms." for myself, as I'm married but kept my maiden name. And to go off even further, I kept my maiden name because it's perfect for my career, not as any sort of lack of respect to my husband or his family. Anyway, "Ms." fits the bill perfectly.
And here in...
Very. I think their bringing up how usury laws and lending regulations were changed in the 70's and 80's is having an effect on EVERYONE is dead-on. To me, this isn't just about whether a woman can choose to stay home or go to work, but how deregulating the system really screwed over the entire...
A lil' sumpthin'-sumpthin' for just me:
If it wasn't for the second wave of feminism, I could've gotten a similiar letter like that just because I have ovaries. Meh!
Hahahaha, one of my guilty pleasures is reading Craigslist, and it cracks me up when guys go on and on about how any woman over a certain weight (usually something silly like 135 lbs) is "obese". If I were that weight, people would think I escaped from a concentration camp.
Same with...
More :offtopic:
The original point of the feminist movement that no one could make anyone do anything they didn't want to do. No one should be able to force women to stay home or go to work, that should be up to the woman.
Whether that applies to the lower classes as much...well, at...
HAHAHAHAHHAA. I just turned 40, and my body is in pretty good shape. But I gotta admit, I've been tempted to look into something like botox because of the heavy-duty frown lines I have between my eyes and brow. The main reason I won't do it isn't because I think I should embrace my age(I don't...
Today on New Year's Day, Cartoon Network has been showing Warner Bros' Looney Tunes all day.
I certainly hope that all of you have been enjoying this as much as I have. Did you know that other than this particular marathon, classic Warners cartoons are...
AUGH. I hope to be working for WB when it's out so that I can pick it up on the cheap. I LOVED the second installment...I had no idea Norma Shearer was such a hussy! The commentaries were wonderful too...great stuff!
That was my general impression of the article as well after reading it.
I think the author went into her reading with a stereotype of the 50's and came to the above conclusion about how the Gen X crowd puts its spin on that decade. I think it's less about laziness and more about jealousy...
It reads like fanfic to me.
Hollywood may be "dirtier" than the average film historian would delve into, but that particular piece of reading was so weirdly salacious that to pass it off as "embellished fact" just doesn't sit right with me.
I do almost all of my local errands on my bicycle, such as small groceries, getting cat food, etc. I have to take the car for trips to Costco(gotta stock up on toilet paper! lol ) and for going to roller derby practice, but other than that I try to do as much as possible on the bike.
And the results are..? :)
The one time I've used the setting lotion, my hair didn't get dry enough, so I had to supplement with a curling iron. Since then due to time constraints I've used mousse/gel/hairspray/curling iron combo. Doesn't keep the curl like I see the other ladies here do! I'm...
Well, veganism wasn't my point, and it's interesting that I used a garlic example and you came back with a meat example. You can try and tell me that Gilroy's garlic is mainly being used to feed the livestock at Harris Ranch in central California, but I'm not sure that's true. :p
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